Search found 92 matches: Extrabat

Searched query: extrabat

by Brettal
Sat Nov 09, 2002 4:06 am
Forum: CBoat C Forum
Replies: -1

Super Batmax

You forgot the Super Batmax in your list. It came after the Batmax and before the ExtraBat. It is slightly narrower in the bow than the Batmax and so should be slightly faster. I could never tell much difference but then I'm not Jon Lugbill. It was my race boat ...
by Brettal
Sat Nov 09, 2002 3:43 am
Forum: CBoat C Forum
Replies: -1

Slashers are comfy too...

I've had mine since they first came out in 1990, I think, or 1991. Decent max hull, a little slower if you are spoiled by a 15 pound extrabat like I was but easy to get used to and absolutely perfect for running the Watauga, Doe, Daddy's & Wilson's Creek, etc. Many folks use a shorter kayaks ...