In thinking of ways to help fund the upcoming years paddling trips...with gas not so cheap anymore I'm curious if there would be any interest in a set of profiled ash gunwales slightly longer than 12' long, say for $40 a set? I have enough ash for maybe 6 sets. Of course I couldn't ship them, so I'd either have to find rides from paddling buddies or deliver them in my hopeful excursions to PA and Wisconsin areas. Just curious.
Mikey B
changed the slang
It's currently cold here and I have to drag my saw out of the it will be a bit before I get to them, but I will keep you posted and update this if and when I or a buddy is headed somewhere too
Last edited by Mikey B on Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I'd take a set, but am located in Tennessee - at the Ocoee though, at least you'd have guaranteed boating. I might take 2 sets actually! Would definitely chip in for gas.
We are going to get 3 sets out of the wood we bought. $100 but we were able to
get it local. We had to shape to get right on the Ocoee. Good price if you are close.