OK, feeling a bit guilty here. 'Been meaning to post something on the Condor for a couple of months now. I don't own a Condor and don't actually own any Blackfly boats at present and no, don't get paid anything from any-boat-body. Moving on, gotta say, the Condor is a stellar design that really needs to be paddled to be appreciated.
Here's my story and I'm sticking to it---
I'm in my 60's, an intermediate canoe paddler having started about 8 years ago, and had been on one self-support trip ever. This summer at the start of July a buddy calls and says he wants me to come paddle the Selway (classic Idaho multi-day trip Class IV) because he has the "golden permit". Selway is the hardest permit to get next to the Grand Canyon, or so he says. Yep, I wanna, but I just sold my big canoe and the put in date is less than 2 weeks out.
Sigh. Probably won't happen. But I get an idea to ask to borrow Heavy D's Condor (his C-boats forum name). I had sat in it once and it just felt good. Asking couldn't hurt and there's nothing wrong with "no", right? But he's a gem of a guy, and says, "sure go for it". Next, I get a one day paddle on some local class III and hey, the Condor ROCKS. Maybe I've got a chance at the Selway.
Much longer story short, the Condor just kept on giving and giving-- right through a couple of trial days on the main Lochsa rapids and then all the way through the Selway. Good memories acing Ham rapid (when the kayakers seemed to think I was gonna die paddling an "aircraft carrier")---and much later boofing the big tan rock a third of the way down Wolf Creek rapid.
Selway score card-- No flips/ no swims in an overloaded borrowed boat on river that's arguably above my pay grade. Dang. That Condor is a great boat! I can think of a bunch of way-more familiar boats that could not have come close.
More about the Condor; up-canyon winds on slack days? Despite the bow being turned up, it holds the line much better than Outrage, Viper 12 or Whitesell Descender. And surfing-- well it is a Jeremy boat, right? YUP! And holding the line but also carving through boulder gardens; knee down turn, stroke, knee down, repeat-- and carrying weight? How about boofing loaded with too much camping gear? YEP! And snaps into eddies like, "Whoa, am I back in the Octane?"
Anyhow thanks Darren, Will, and Blackfly. Condor rocks!
In praise of the Blackfly Condor
Moderators: kenneth, sbroam, TheKrikkitWars, Mike W., Sir Adam, KNeal, PAC, adamin
Re: In praise of the Blackfly Condor
glad you had a great time Pat.
sounds like such a fun trip - now if i can only get rid of this stupid tendinitis that keeps plaguing my left elbow, ill be right back on the river following you down every line!!!
take care,
sounds like such a fun trip - now if i can only get rid of this stupid tendinitis that keeps plaguing my left elbow, ill be right back on the river following you down every line!!!

take care,