Have you ever had one of those days when...

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Sir Adam
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Have you ever had one of those days when...

Post by Sir Adam »

Have you ever had one of those days when...
by KNeal

...you wish you never lifted your head off the pillow? Be sure to ask Paul (PAC) what I mean by that. This statement sums up how the Fall Gauley Armada got started on Saturday morning, but all in all, everything went great on both days. It really came down to what you decide to do with the situation you are facing (like waking up to a rainy morning, listening to "Buck shot Bob" and his hunting buddies at 6:00 in the morning yelling if the coffee was ready yet and proudly bragging about how many squirrels they have shot during the previous day, suffering from a splitting headache and clogged sinuses, finding a flat tire, and then a mile-and-a-half long train blocking the road to the putin due to something that broke on it). So, what do you do? Ignore the headache, laugh about "Buck shot Bob" and his squirrel huntin' buddies, ignore the rain, drive on the rim in order to get to a pump, get KNeal to plug the leak in the tire, pray that KNeal knows just what the hades he is doing (even though he is acting like he does know), and put on Peter's Creek (oh, by the way, does anybody know where this creek goes?).

That pretty much sums up with how Saturday got started, so by 12:00, we (Paul-aka "PAC Man", Eric-"I broke my glasses 2 weeks ago and still need a new pair", Warren-"I'll probe with my Ocoee, from the rear", and I-"I know what to do, trust me!") made a group decision (20 min. of mindless wandering around and muttering "I'll do whatever the other guys in the group wanna do") to put on Peter's Creek and paddle to the Lower Gauley (it joins with the Gauley where the railroad trestle crosses the river). We didn't know what to expect, except there was supposed to be a 25' waterfall down a ways, or how long the trip was going to take, or how much water we needed. So off we went on a great adventure into the unknown with my wife wishing us well and reminding us to stay out of the poison ivy (I always hear that from her, I just need to learn what it looks like!). The trip was a bump n' grind, but with enough water to actually scrape the whole way without getting out, except to scout and portage the waterfall (by the way, we are of the opinion that the waterfall is NOT 25', but more like 27'). We spent a lot of the time laughing at each other as we ran the drops because boat control on rocks tends to be nonexistent.

Everything went well as we got on the Lower Gauley and joined up with Bernie and James at Diagonal Ledges where the playboaters had a great time shredding the playhole up and grinnin' from ear to ear. We made the takeout by 6:15, loaded up and and had a group dinner in Summersville at a Greek/Italian restaurant that sits on top of a hill. It serves really authentic dishes (sorry Kalin, no zambonis or strombolis here!) and we spent the rest of the evening relaxing, eating, drinking, swapping stories, and making new friends. Then it was time for a hot shower and bed.

Sunday morning came with more pouring rain, no yelling from "Buck shot Bob" and his buddies, no Paul, and no plan on what we were going to run (sounds like a perfect start to the day, eh?). After breakfast at the truckstop, most of the group decided on running the Upper Gauley (though several in our group, including me, had some reservations about that idea), and several other boaters leaving to paddle the Lower Gauley. So, off we went to the putin and started down the river, playing at some good spots and surfing as many waves as we can catch, but mostly floating and enjoying a day on a river. All the runs went well with no significant mishaps, but James in his Spanish Fly had decided at some point to win the "Best in Entertainment" award with some of his antics at Pillow Rock, Lost Paddle, and Sweets Falls. Of all the rapids we paddled, Lost Paddle gave us the hardest time--not because it was so much harder, but more because we really worked ourselves into a frenzy over the seriousness of this rapid, the consequences, and how we MUST be on our lines at all times. Or maybe it was me that felt that way. Too many times, I got to crankin' so much power into my strokes that I would go blazing past where I should have eddied out or kept running up on the boater in front of me causing me to change my line. Again, there were no mishaps, but a kyacker commented to me that he thought I had one hades of a fast roll. My comment to him that it was simply a matter of simple fear. By the time I got to the bottom of Sweet's Falls, I was having myself a really good time.

The weekend was a blast and I thank Bernie for being a superb trip leader (by default). It was a weekend of meeting more c-1 boaters and sharing new creekin' experiences. The continuing success of these armadas is really motivating, and I look forward to organizing and joining many more. To everyone who is heading to the Ocoee and the GAF, have yourself a great time, paddle hard, have fun, and keep the t-grip pointing high in the sky! C-boaters rule!


Posted on Oct 14, 2002, 9:02 PM

You forgot to mention....

..setting up at the camp ground in the rain Friday night, the lost wallet (found at the take out after paddling) and the class 5+ (foggy) drive home through WV Sat. night . Yikes what a day!
All and all I would say it was a great trip. I don't think I've seen anyone smile as much scrapping down a creek as Eric, or was that squinting?
I also now know that an OC1 and C1s and can easily be launched off 25"+ waterfalls and land better without a paddler than with. No matter how deep the pool is below.
Thanks for the tire fix (it's still holding - who would of thought of fixing a flat in the parking lot at a truck stop?), for pulling the trip together, and for putting up with one miserable PA C1er.
Next time I'll be ready for "Buckshot Bob" and his coffee call! I wonder how he'll feel about a pissed of squirrel in his tent at 3 am?
It was a good paddle and a fun day! Glad to hear everything went well on the upper too! Hope to see you all again soon on the river! PAC
PS - I'm feeling much better now after getting some rest!

Posted on Oct 15, 2002, 8:17 AM

A great time !
by Eric


Thanks again for organizing the weekend.

Boaters keep asking me just how runnable that waterfall on Peters Creek might be. I did learn later that at least four other groups followed our lead down the creek. Some Keelhaulers I know were apparently the last group down on Saturday afternoon, and to my knowledge all of the other groups, including my buddies parked on the bridge ahead of us at the stopped train, carrried their boats up to the track and back down to the water. Ughh!! Cboats first!( at least this time)

And I think your concerns at Lost Paddle weren't singular to yourself. Particularly after seeing that empty Wavesport EZ floating downriver below Initiation that we pushed to shore. And maybe I'll spend my 2003 boating dollars on new river specs. I lost the other pair in the hole at Canyon Doors two weeks ago.

Until next time,


Posted on Oct 16, 2002, 3:15 PM

Now I know what it means to be on the wrong side of the tracks
by Bernie

But getting on the water makes it all worthwhile.
After your descriptions of the creek the 45 minute drive around time seemed to be worth it. We had Canyon Doors to ourselves.I am glad that we finally caught up with you guys and the other 100 plus boaters at diagonal ledges.
Lets' do it again when more rivers in the area start running.

Posted on Oct 16, 2002, 6:17 PM
Keep the C!
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