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Ocean surfing in a C-1 is a truly spiritual experience...

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 5:24 pm
by Sir Adam
Ocean surfing in a C-1 is a truly spiritual experience...
by Will Will

Man, I have been at the Outer Banks for about a week now. I have come down here every year since I've been born, but this was the first year I have been able to maximize the waves and really surf. I think surfing an ocean wave is one of the coolest feelings ever, about 10 times better than a river wave. Spins are so fast and I was able to hit my first "blunts" I guess you could call them. It is so much more dynamic that river surfing, party because the wave changes as your surfing so you have to pay more attention. Anyways, I highly recommend everyone hits a few "big breaks" every once in a while to keep regular. Hang ten dude(s).

Posted on Aug 18, 2002, 5:49 AM

Glad to hear you had a great time
by KNeal

Where in the Outer Banks did you go surfing? I've been around mileposts 11 and 10 and have spent some time down at Oregon Inlet and Rodanthe. Did you surf in a different place? It was a blast playing at Lollygag at the whirlpool during the other weekend. Hope to see you for the Gauley trip.


Posted on Aug 20, 2002, 1:06 PM

I'm in Hatteras Village
by will

Yeah, the New was a good time. We are down in Hatteras Village, and we have had some good waves so far. I think I'm going to be able to make it down to the Gauley which is good. Anyways, I"ll see you around.

Posted on Aug 20, 2002, 2:45 PM

Oregon Inlet
by Mike W. Mike W.

Hey KNeal, you didn't get out on those sweet looking standing waves at Oregon Inlet did you? I've looked at those, but chickened out.
The past couple of years I took my Cascade & had a blast. This summer I took the Big EZ & had even more fun.
Mike W.

Posted on Aug 20, 2002, 3:41 PM

Oregon Inlet waves
by KNeal

Yep. I've paddled the standing waves that look like they are about mid-way across the channel and kinda close to the bridge. It is rather easy to get there and they are right over a shallow sandbar (you can stand and walk around on it when you get out there). The only times I have seen them and surfed them were in the mornings and, I guess, when the tide is dropping. I have launched from the south end of the channel and had a fairly easy paddle out and back in my Atom. If I see them again this year, I will use my slalom boat. It should be easy to paddle the Cascade out and back, but you may not want to use your Big EZ for those waves.


Posted on Aug 21, 2002, 9:21 AM

what type of boat did you paddle? see my post on the Atom
by Quico Reed Quico Reed

you are the first person I've talked to (can you call posting "talking to"?) who has ocean surfed a c-1. What was the boat type? how did it handle in the surf?

At the risk of offending a c-1'er: Do you use a canoe paddle or a kayak paddle? I ask because ina kayak I find the pile absolutely exhasting to fight, and I have often thought while I was out there how tiring it would be to do that with only half the paddle!!!

But, I have thought that the c-1 position would be superior for ocean surfing because of the increased mobility.

Tell me all you can! I'm thinking of buying a c-1, or converting my Gliss to a C-1, or buying a Z-1.

Posted on Aug 23, 2002, 2:09 PM