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Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:53 pm
by Open Gate
I'm surprised no one came up with this obvious one.

To rescue someone, in and out of boat in a sec. Throwing a throw bag. Power and leverage from the boat. Kneeling is lot more powerfull then sitting.

A few years ago running the bottom moose, my buddy Vincent Dupont was being trashed at the base of Fowlersville at a nasty level.

I ran the slide clean and saw the mess he was in(one of the best C1'rs on the planet, out of his boat, getting recirc and looking scared.) Too far from shore for a throw bag, all the butt boaters were paddling towards him but staying away from the nasty recirc meant that nothing was being done.

As soon as I hit the eddy river left of the slide, I paddled in the same location as the butt boaters, grabed my throw bag and hit him on the head with it, as soon as he grabbed it, I asked the Kayakers to push me down stream so I was not pulled in the same trap as he was, and he was out in a flash. BTW, vincent later tied a rope to himself, swam back in the hole, got his boat and saddle to finish his run.

Obvious and MAJOR advantage of OC over C1 or K1, Carrying safety gear, quick access to it, in and out of the boat in a flash, power to throw and react, stability to act with confidence.

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:21 pm
by sbroam
Open boats are pick up trucks - handy as can be for hauling and accessing gear/people etc. Decked boats are single seat sports cars with no trunk space. Both can be fun to drive...

Over the last couple of days, when I have seen the subject line of this thread I've been tempted to say - "advantages? we don't need no steenking advantages! they're just a lot of fun!" There, I finally said it.