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What the HADES happened to Mohawk at the Gauleyfest?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:31 pm
by Not Elvis
We showed up to talk with the guy(s) and found NOBODY there representing. :evil:

How are we supposed to see new designs, or even talk about new designs if there's nobody at the other end of the personal space?

I have no specific allegiance to any canoe manufacturers--Mad River, Millbrook, Mohawk, etc. Well, except that I hate Canadians. And Canadian Canoes. No, actually I don't. I just like to mess with the eh-team. :P

But ultimately, my thought is that the more people you have thinking about canoe designs, the better off the paddlers are for it.

I want Mohawk to be a player in the whole thing, but do they want to be a player in the whole thing? :cry:

J. Robbins

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:40 pm
by cmnypny
I talked to them ... but then they heard you were coming and packed up an left :o

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:50 pm
by Louie
You want Richards phone number?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:06 pm
by PAC
It would have been nice to have a few of the canoe companies on site to talk to and to hear about plans updates and directions. If not boothing it just being more available. Generally I found the overall fest having a lot of "fluff" but little substance but then maybe I'm just a jaded single sticker! It was nice to C & paddle with old & new friends.

But with the economy as it is, the booths costing what they do and the size of market we Cers make up I sort of understand that.

It was nice to see Criag's Prototype there and to talk to Dooley in depth about the fun he had in it on the UG. It would have been nice to have had the oppertunity to take it on the LG or even the NRG (I know there were at least 7 of us in one pod on the NRG).

Maybe next time?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:17 pm
by TonyB
Would have been real nice to Demo the L edge, it was sitting right there... nobody was paddling it on sunday and I bet it just sat on a truck. We even picked it up and yelled we were taking it and no one even came over to see what was going on.

There was no canoe booths, the only canoe representation I saw was the L edge sitting there all by itself, some NOC boats and a Mitchel display. I understand there's more kayakers then canoers but there was a small crowd of open boaters at each place looking.

I heard rumors that there was a lot of reps roaming the event but , how would I know who they even were to talk to them?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:14 pm
by Craig Smerda
i had other obligations going on... sorry... i really wanted to come

the good news from yesterdays appointment is... carpal tunnel

the bad news from yesterdays appointment is... knife time... for carpal tunnel

not trying to jack the Mohawk thread... jus sayin'

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:55 am
by TonyB
Craig, I had the boat in my hands......I wanted to try it out.
It sat there dry and lonely, pawed at in it's defensless state.

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:26 am
by PAC
Bummer on going under the blade Craig! Follow instructions, do the PT and work it for simpathy as much as posssible! :wink:

Keep us posted on how it goes!

I really would have liked to have paddle that banana boat! :(

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:50 am
by gumpy
when i finally found the dude who was in charge of the boat and asked where it would be sunday he said "in my garage". kinda like goin to a gentlemens club and sittin in the parking lot reading a national geographic. you'd think esquif would want to generate some excitement over the thing, but maybe they're not completely happy with the design yet. maybe it'll make it to alf and we can take turns huckin baby falls in it

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:31 am
by sbroam
Craig Smerda wrote: ...
the good news from yesterdays appointment is... carpal tunnel

the bad news from yesterdays appointment is... knife time... for carpal tunnel

That's what 100,000 posts on BoaterTalk will do to you!

Friday night at the festival

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:21 pm
by Louie
we must have had a hundred people sit in the thing. Many were butt boaters. My son who would never paddle anything but a C1 even sit in it.
On Saturday morning it left the put in with about 40 open boaters, Dooley was in it. I wanted to paddle it so I hung with him. 400 hundred yards later the group of 40 was cut down to five long Canoes, Dooley and Matt, late twenty year olds, who think every trip is a race and myself. I figured somewhere we would stop and wait on the rest of the group to catch up, silly me. I did get to get in it for a very short time as did Matt. We made the take out in three hours and some of the 40 who started with us didn't get off the river till 2 and a half hours later.
Vincent will have an Esquif booth next year, and will have the new boat on the Ocoee in October for the GDI and Lost Tribe ( as well as anyone else who wants too) too try out.
Vincent had a hellva a long drive home and had to be there on Monday so he couldn't put it on the water on Sunday. I would never had just taken the boat with out tellin someone I was goin too. If I had been you I would have left a note and then taken the boat.

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:05 pm
by gumpy
when's the gdi trip? any likelihood of other stuff running too? maybe i'll make the drive. weekender i guess?

Esprit was there to represent!

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:06 pm
by esprit
TonyB wrote:There was no canoe booths, the only canoe representation I saw was the L edge sitting there all by itself, some NOC boats and a Mitchel display. I understand there's more kayakers then canoers but there was a small crowd of open boaters at each place looking.
Esprit was at Gauleyfest with a heavy emphasis on our OC trips to Mexico. Dooley and Eli, who are both guest paddlers this winter with Esprit were there as well.

Our booth was really busy (it may have been from the tequila give away) and we certainly spoke with a few OC paddlers that are looking at joining us this winter.


Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:05 pm
by Louie
Jim I was glad to introduce you to Dooley Friday night at the festival and to Eli saturday at the put in for the upper. I think they will both be a great addition to your trip. Too bad Shirver couldn't make it but I would guess you have already meet him. I will continue to talk up your Mexico trip I love that place and want as many open and closed canoers to make it no matter who they go with. Also it is good to see a big boy can do the upper Gauley in a Spanish Fly. I won't be this lean and trim my whole life. BTW how is the truck and van sistuation in Mexico???? I was just lucky my truck didn't have problems for my whole six months down there

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:14 pm
by Louie
Grumpy as soon as I hava a firm date I will post it here and on

as far as something besides the Ocoee and Green runnin, not likely and for the last five years I would have said no way but them again we did Tellico and Cittio eight or nine timesthis year so the world has turned upside down.