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Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:18 pm
by FullGnarlzOC
Alan - I'll be at Nationals this year. I'm not racing, because I haven't ran gates before, and i'll be dammed if I'm going to spend $75 to lose, which is exactly what would happen, I can admit that.

I've only been paddling for 16 months, and my time is spent on the rivers. Attempting moves that others won't... knowing that i'm going to get trashed. Welcoming it... also knowing that one day, because I AM attempting those moves, I'll be able to hit them with ease.

Anyways, I'll be at Nationals for a few hours each day checking out the events, and what it's all about, for next year. But once 12pm rolls around... You can catch me on the Upper Yough. Because in all honesty... with a constant Class 4-5 river, one of the nicest gems on the east coast... Why wouldn't you paddle it? Although, I really don't consider anything on the UY to be class 5, hitting some rocks, or a possible pin... is hardly a class 5 consequence. (Remember is only a bad swim if you need more than 10 stitches, something is broken, or you swallowed enough water to give you diarhea for a week)

If anyone is coming up - feel free to head to Friendsville. Look for the stud :wink: in the yellow detonator. If you don't catch me at the put-in... you may see a someone in a yellow Det being trashed in national that says "Full Gnarlz" on the bottom... say hi.

- By the way.. all this jabber is all fun and games to me... hope you guys feel the same way. But once you start calling a man's cross stroke weak...well them r fightin words where i come from... :P Just kidding.... but seriously.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:28 pm
by gumpy
there may be more than one stud in a detonator there...

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:31 pm
by FullGnarlzOC
You won't be in a det. traitor. I'm bringing you a skirt by the way. don't worry... its more of a breatheable sundress, that way you don't get too overheated. =)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:31 pm
by FullGnarlzOC
You won't be in a det. traitor. I'm bringing you a skirt by the way. don't worry... its more of a breatheable sundress, that way you don't get too overheated. =)

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:20 pm
by cheajack
Admins, would you please move this thread to the Kiddie pool. Enough is enough.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:38 pm
by FullGnarlzOC
Agreed. Trash it. Although, it would be nice if you guys don't delete it. I'd like to be able to come back to this in 3 yrs, so I can chuckle that people use to doubt the xJ. :wink:

Headed to Friendsville - Hopefully we'll see some of you guys at the races or on the UY Fri/Sat(water runs from 1-4).

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:41 am
by yarnellboat

Your hockey analogy isn't even close! Canoeing did go through what hockey went through with curved blades. . . with curved blades no less!

The difference is that curved blades were a new idea.

Your xJ is not something new that people have never tried before - instead it's a well known thing that a lot of people have corrected early in their solo boating!

Hey, glad it works for you though.


p.s. your "I do everything full-out all the time because that's how to learn" approach doesn't mesh somehow with your "I won't try the gates because I might lose" thinking. If slalom nationals are in your backyard and you're into this sport and to improving your strokes- get out and paddle with those paddlers!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:25 am
by Alan B
I agree, this thread needs to end... but this is one last attempt to convince Eddie that he is missing a golden oppurtunity. $75 bucks? Come on, that's a screaming deal for what you'll get out of it. And for a first timer, it's not about winning or losing but the major skills that you will gain. I gave you some grief because you seem to (in my opinion) overrate your skills a bit. I think it is great that you are so passionate about this sport but watching the event for a few hours over a couple of days isn't going to do much. In my last post, emphasis on the word EMULATE.
You have to run gate for the first time, sometime... do it this weekend. Nationals could be thousands of miles away next year. It's in your back yard! If I see your name in the results, I'll send you $75. Final offer and final post.[/b]

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:46 am
by FullGnarlzOC
Alright alright... you guys were probably right. I wont completely know until I get to the Gauley and need some serious power to move my slow Det across those huge lines.

I spent the day at ASCI on thursday, primarily using x J, like I have been...

Then I ran the UY on Friday, and noticed that I was using a WIDE cross stroke(almost like a sweep) to a duffex about 20% of the time. With xJ the other 80%

Thennnn I ran the UY again on saturday, and I used 90% cross sweep/duffex type of stroke, and about 90% thumb in recoverys. Almost no cross Js that day. And I had a pretty darn good day on the water... and the newly figured out stroke felt very nice. Helped control the boat big time.

Like I said... I won't fully know until the UG. But I will jump the gun based on a hunch.... and say... You guys were probably right. :roll:

I'll get some video of the stroke that I speak at some point.