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decked boats

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 2:45 am
by scott
If you took a boat, like the ocoee, put decks on it and filled it with foam would it be a C1 or an OC1? Where can i find the exact clasifications for defineing a canoe? Any help wold be appreciated.

Cheers :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:37 pm
by chuck naill
Hey Scott,

Look in the C1 Race Boat Section. Click on the Natan C-1 (yugo) from 1961. THis kinda tells you how it all started. 8)

Your question made me think. We take an canoe and fill it stuff to displace the water, is it still an open boat? What's a deck, ie solid or not?

What about materials. Earily paddlers use aluminum, but aluminium sticks to rocks. ABS slides and can be punched out after being wrapped. Air bags kept the boats from filling up and/or being wrapped. Did we make them decked boats? :o

Paddling style:
The woman who taught me to paddle owned the Blue Hole Canoe company in the '70 and '80's . She paddled all the rivers in a Blue Hole oca turned backwards without air bags and thigh straps. River she paddled were Chattooga, Big South Fork and the other Plateau rivers in Eastern Tennessee. Needless to sat she read water and knew how to put the boat where it needed to go to stay dry. :wink:


Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2004 11:09 am
by the great gonzo
My take on this is very simple:

If you close off the cockpit area off with any kind of skirt or so to prevent water from entering, it is a decked boat.
If the cockpit area is open and water can enter there, it is a decked boat.
This is probably a little over simplified and does not coincide with the various regulations that govern what an open boat is as far as competition is concerned, but it's the way
i see it :wink: .
