From a current post:
...if you can roll the open boat, rolling the C1 should come pretty easily.
I'm sure many others have given similar advice and made similar statements.rolling a c-1 so easy ( compared to Oc) that sometimes I roll all the way over again.
But for me, I've just taken my new C-1 conversion (WS Score) to the pool, and I couldn't roll the thing.
Compared to the OC roll (Outrage), I felt like at least these 3 things were happening:
1) I can't find my "90degrees-from-the-hull-square-the-shoulders" set-up position, because the freaking' little boat follows around my every move. I'm like a dog chasing its tail.
2) I'm used to a slower, more integrated OC roll; but with the C-1, the slow hip snap doesn't get me anywhere. I have to be more agressive with a snap.
3) Often the elbow of my top hand hits the deck and keep me from completing the roll.
Although I managed some shakey rolls in the end, I did not find it to be a natural or easy transition.
Any tips on rolling a C-1 for somebody coming from OC-1? A quicker, more agressive hip flick is obviously a key.
I don't really want to hit the river much without knowing I've got a shot at rolling. On the first tries, it sure didn't feel good.
Thanks, P.