Spring Armada 2005

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Spring Armada 2005

Post by adamin »

Please post all information and questions regarding the 2005 North Branch of the Potomac Armada here.
KNeal (at work)

armada information

Post by KNeal (at work) »

Here are the "Cliff Notes" on this year's Spring Armada:

- Davey Hearn Paddling Clinic on Friday, May 13
- receive EXCELLENT instructions on boat handling skills, river running techniques, and some play moves given by world champion and 19-time national champion in c-1 slalom, Davey Hearn. Slalom gate work if there is interest.
- meet at the Lock 6 parking lot around 9:30 a.m.
- clinic limited to 10 boaters (slots still available)
- cost is $50 per boater
- 10:00-12:00 clinic on feeder canal/Little Falls
- 12:00-1:00 lunch break
- 1:00-3:00 clinic on Little Falls/Mather's Gorge (start and finish at Old Angler's Inn parking lot)
- eat dinner and leave for North Branch Potomac (campground still needs to be finalized, probably Mike W's suggested campground)

- Meet at the North Branch Potomac (NBP) takeout for the Bloomington section on Saturday, May 14 between 9:30 a.m. and 10:00.

- Set shuttle and leave for the putin by 10:00 a.m.

- Start going down the NBP by 11:00

- Paddle, play, try out different boats and be off the river around 4:00

- Assault the Westernport township and its citizens (at least the good employees at Fox's Pizza) and feast

- Sleep at some point

- Wake up Sunday morningish (Kalin time :wink: ) and discuss where to paddle (if not already done)--Lower Yough is a VERY good choice

- Go boat, then go home

Weather for middle May should be fair to warm in western Maryland, but I strongly encourage everyone to dress for wet weather, both on the river and on dry land. The water in the NBP is dam release, so it can be VERY cold! Bring your cold water gear. Safety is EVERYONE's concern, so bring your helmet, throw rope and other applicable rescue gear so we can take care of our own. You MUST have self-rescue skills (semi-reliable roll, able to easily we-exit, intermediate skills :o ).

More stuff to follow

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I want in on the Davey Hearn Clinic - tell me more, plez

Post by ShawnJReese »

Please contact me with sign up information, payment info, etc.

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A few important items

Post by Sir Adam »

A few important reminders abou the NB Armada coming up:
1) It's free (well, unless you want to do the clinic with Davey Hearn on the Friday preceding the Armada, in that case, it's $50 and you'll need to contact KNeal)
2) Class II-III water (I'd call it class II, but in fairness you might be able to classify one rapid as III). So it's just a good fun trip with lots of play opportunities (depending on the boat you're in...though there are a few spots the slalom boaters (and those of us in Vipers 8) ) usually gather to surf)
3) Camping in the past as been free, apparently they now charge for it. I personally like the spot, though if it's not much more to camp and have facilities (outhouses and the like) perhaps we should go that route this year. Thoughts everyone?
4) I'm going to try really, really hard to get the Bumper Stickers cut and back from the printers in time :o

I'm planning on bringing the Wheelboy, Mastercut Acrobat, Fanatic 2 and Groove (as their appears to be renewed interest in this boat). If there's anything else someone would like to try from the "collection" let me know :D

Yes, if the Maven is done I'll bring one. The plug should be done tomorrow (done sanding, polishing, and waxing started anyway), and then on to the mold.... Don't count on it being done however, looking at my past history with this project :roll: .
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Post by Mike W. »

I plan to bring my full cut Viper & 1/2" cut Acrobat. I can bring the Big EZ if anyone wants to paddle it.

I want to try the Maven, Wheelboy, Groove, Master cut Acrobat & did someone mention that they were bringing a Forplay? I want to try that too :D If the Maven isn't done I'll just have to wait till next year :cry:
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Post by Sir Adam »

Or, Mike, you could come up to my summer Hudson Armada, and perhaps we'll not only do the Hudson Gorge but spend a day on something a bit tamer in squirt boats:) I'll post the Summer Hudson Armada when the date is set, but it's tentatively the end of June / early July as in past years. As always if folks wanted to fly up and use a boat we can work something out (I know upstate NY is kind of far for you southern folks!)
SouthWest usually has pretty good rates, and they service Albany (ALB).
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Post by Brendan »

Gunst and I plan to ride up together for the Armada- at this point we are leaning towards skipping the Davey Hearn clinic and instead going up to paddle the Yough. Is the interest from other travelers in doing the Yough on Friday afternoon?

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Post by mshelton »


I've never gotton the Yough but have been wanting to for a couple of years now.
Would you guys mind another cat from Richmond paddling with you?
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Post by sbroam »

I wonder if I will continue to be our southernmost participant? Anybody coming from further south than Lexington SC? I wonder what automotive excitement will arise this year - it's somebody else's turn this year, my alternator and body damage were enough to last me a while...

I've got a variety of boats I could bring, but will most likely bring the Maverick because of the clinic on Friday. I'll very likely bring one other. Here's my selection :

Rockit conversion
Score conversion

PM me if you want to try one of those.

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Post by swriverstone »

Here's a suggestion for this year's Armada: someone call Fox's pizza and give 'em advance warning! :) Seriously, I could do it...just so they'd know to maybe have an extra hand in the kitchen (or stock up on pizza toppings!).

I'll bring several boats...
- Zealot
- Stealth
- Slasher
- the "Big Momma Helen" (a slalom C-2 cut down and made into a C-1 for "big boys" like me!)

Looking forward to it!


Scott Wilkinson
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Post by sbroam »

Scott -

Actually, we did give Fox's advance notice last year and the year before. Last year we didn't rate our own room but the year before they gave us our own room - granted, it was the employee break room / storage room - and we had a couple of cheese pizzas preordered as appetizers. It was the year before that that was rather comical. I still remember how they shrugged off our warning that there were 20 or more behind us, then how their eyes went as big as saucers as they actually piled in.

See you there -

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Post by PAC »

I just finished up the welding and outfitting of the Hydra C2 so I can bring it and the Gemini C2. Let me know if you are interested in borrowing one to take that someone special down with you (great kids boats). Both are 16' monsters at 32" wide! I'm bring my boy again so I'll be asking Scott B. to pack an extra case of Ginger beer (Let me know the damage Scott)!
See you there. Paul C.
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Post by sbroam »

Oh yeah, I can also bring :

Blenheim's Ginger Ale (hot stuff)
Barbecue sauce - our local style is mustard based

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National River Cleanup Week this year is May 14-22nd

Post by PAC »

This is sort of fitting that the Armada fits in with ...
"Clean Up Your Favorite River - May 14-22!"

The National River Cleanup Week this year is May 14-22nd, and we encourage all paddlers to participate in this great program. Just check out the website (www.nationalrivercleanup.com) and get in touch with the good folks organizing the event. They will get you all the stuff you need to organize your own river clean up or to participate in one that has already been organized.

This year AW doing something a little different

American Whitewater knows that paddlers rarely litter, and are a major part of the efforts to keep our rivers and creeks trash-free, but this year we want to find out just how many paddlers are taking part in the National River Cleanup. Right before the Cleanup week we'll be posting a short questionaire on our website, with an email address to send completed questionaires to. Our goal is to find out how many whitewater paddlers are participating in stream cleanups, and how many miles of streams benefit from these efforts.

If you clean up a stream - PLEASE send us an email letting us know after the cleanup week, we'll let you know the email address in a subsequent web article coming in early may.

Being a good river steward means more than just minimizing your own impact - it is also helping the river deal with the impacts of other less considerate folks. So fill your boat with drink bottles, pull those plastic bags out of riparian trees, and report those refrigerators! Even wild rivers occassionally have trash blown and thrown into them - so pick any stream - and scour those eddies!

Plan your clean up today - Rally your friends

Your River Will Thank You
Just a C-ful thought relating to keeping it clean!
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Camping arrangements?

Post by sbroam »

Has anybody made any camping arrangements? I know Mike Watson suggested / mentioned another campground that has facilities. Does anybody know if that campground (don't remember the name, but north of the sites on the Savage?) accepts reservations? Many federal sites do, now...
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