UY vs. Tellico

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UY vs. Tellico

Post by Longboatin »

Well thought since Broken Nose post went full on safety, even 4 Louie, I'd start a new thread to keep the big matchup alive.
Lenghty and I were discussing your comment that UY maybe shouldnt have the IV+ to V rating b/c people starting boating it aong time ago, but wouldnt that make the UTelli a solid II?

BTW, Louie you mustve misunderstood your lead boater on the UY at Heinzerling, there are two real lines through that rapid, either Time Warp, or the Hook move. The rifle barrel is the sneak line, not creek line. You go over there, you might as well be from Ohio.
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Post by PAC »

The rifle barrel is the sneak line, not creek line. You go over there, you might as well be from Ohio.
LB - I almost spit coffee over my keyboard! I remember being told that first time down UY!

PS: when you getting that boy a proper C paddle. He looked like he was enjoying the ride last weekend!
Last edited by PAC on Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Paul C.
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Post by Louie »

Sorry it is a Stranger in a strange land type of thing. Pscho said go here and we did.

Lenghty never did comment on wether or not he has done the Tellico and now you wade in on your evelation of the Tellico, so I must ask, have either of you done the Tellico?

Post by Louie »

Final question BTW is Pa just eastern Ohio? Or is Ohio just Western Pa. and does either make you all FIFO"s

Post by Louie »

I just check with Pscho and Time Warp is what we normaly run, He said Rifel barrel was a one time deal he showed us. Again I didn't feel comfortble being that close to the wrong side of the Mason Dixon line. I mean the UY is in Maryland not PA right?
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Post by gumpy »

this is the discussion i've been waiting on. i'm a progressing paddler looking for my next step up. the hardest water i've boated was this past alf-upper tellico, crooked fork, little river in the smokies, but i've improved alot since then. LY is fun, but i'd really like something steeper. how about an honest comparison between the UY and the aforementioned creeks? i'd like to have a better idea as to whether i'd be in over my head on the UY.
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Post by Longboatin »

BEen on Telli once a long time ago, so not giving an evaluation of it. Just sayin if one run gits its rating lowered, maybe all should get the same treatment. I see Utelli listed as III w/ one IV, so if you feel UY is equal to that rating then U telli should be subsequently dropped to II+

Besides, from foggy drug and alcohol addled memory and lookin at pics, whadda yins got daun ner but two or three large boulders, it hardly appears choked, in fact seems pretty wide open... oh II minus then
Last edited by Longboatin on Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Longboatin »

Mebe try some of the creeks in Ohiopyle area, like Meadow, and Fikes. Indian Creek is pretty good also, but Id suggest hitting it at jucy levels, at least 3ft on Rt 653 bridge gauge. Lots o people do it lower, but for nonscrapy minimum id say 3ft. 3.5 to 4.5 is probably the best ride, as it can put a serious whoopin on you. The ledges and slides fill in nicely w/ lots of diagonals and bigish holes etc.

These would probably help you step up to the more serious runs -
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Post by Craig Smerda »

blah blah blah... how about some low water russellfork action instead? :lol:

it actually looks quite fun... and be sure to check out the "rock sledding" at the end of it.

(fwiw i've never been on the tellico... the upper yough is a fun yet technical run that has some of the best rock spin rocks i've ever used... at high water i've heard the uy can be a handfull if you don't know the lines.)

Post by Louie »

I do like the Russell Fork better than either of the other two. much harder than both I have run the RF at 300, 500, 800, 1300. 1300 is too much. Grunmpy nuthing on the UY as hard as Jarred Knee and nothing as high as baby falls. UY is just long, Havin see you boat the Tellico you will do fine on the UY with a good guide who know the lines in a boat about equal to what you are paddlin. not some barge a drunk monkey could get down the river
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I have to disagree

Post by jim gross »

I dispute that the Telli as a whole is tougher than UY. Nothing on the Telli is as tough as Triple Drop, Charlies Choice, National Falls , Or Lost and Found. The Telli is ledges, ok some are tall ledges, but you are not dealing with bus sized boulder obstructions, under cuts, not to mention the moving moving under cuts<<<(Personal experience there one day) The Telli is cool, but they are in different classes I think. And yes, I do think that Russel Fork (I never did) looks harder. ;-)

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Post by cheajack »

UY is long. OK. Jerod's knee is deceptive. Looks straight forward but is not. OK. UY is a release while Tellico is rainfall and therefore difficulty is variable and level dependant. The guage is down stream in a wider portion of the river so higher flows indicate exponential increases in difficulty in the upper reaches. Baby Falls is probably the easiest drop on the upper Tellico run, hence it's name. Left line is a slam Dunk. Most dangerous thing on the UY is all those out of control lemmings in Butt Boats from PA and OH who are out of their comfort zone and skill set from the get go and won't accecpt responsibilitry for their lack of control and river ettiquette (does RDFM come to mind). Don't even think about the LY where the long lines at the put in for checking permits gave me flashbacks to Central America and the leaf cutter ants. I'll take southern creekin' any day in any size boat. Our only embarassment is the Ocoee on the weekends when we have had no rain , but the Ocoee at it's worst lacks by far the chaos of the UY on a good day.
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Re: UY vs. Tellico

Post by phreon »

Longboatin wrote: The rifle barrel is the sneak line, not creek line. You go over there, you might as well be from Ohio.
Ouch, that smarts.

Larry Horne
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Post by Larry Horne »

Most dangerous thing on the UY is all those out of control lemmings
but the Ocoee at it's worst lacks by far the chaos of the UY on a good day.
BRUCE ?? I am on the fence and this is not helping. and what's this russel fork? that looks cool, can we go there too?

Post by Louie »

Babu fall is called that because of Bald River falls.
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