Kaz.... technique and stroke?

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Kaz.... technique and stroke?

Post by CraigS »


As you are the "undisputed" master of making a boat move forward in troubled waters... can you throw the crowd a bone about "your" way of making the boat boogie?

Come on buddy... share with us! 8)
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Post by Mike W. »

He's also pretty darn quick on flatwater. I was suprised to see a solo boat catch us so early in the 70 a couple of years back.

Post by kaz »

You guys are too kind........and funny. A bone huh? Here is an excerpt from my new book. Just kidding. What can I tell you that you don't already know? Whenever you paddle your favorite river, do something new, even if it's not where you usually go. Don't follow the person in front of you. Catch a new eddy. I'm sure there are some that you've never been in. Learn something about your river's currents. Watch the line a piece of driftwood "takes". Try paddling with your eyes closed as long as you can. Try to relax doing it. When I race, I do it for myself. When I'm in the start gate there are no others around. The only thing I envision is the finish line. My goal for the next 3 or 4 minutes is to get there as soon as I can. My paddling style might be a bit racer oriented but I do enjoy paddling different rivers just as much, or more, than racing. Feel how your boat is or is not moving in relation to what you are doing to it. Noticing everything around you will help you get in tune with what's going on in your boat. Mental focus is a powerful thing. A lot of racers never achieve this state of mind. You can tell by how easily they are distracted while racing. Be able to learn new things while paddling and it will never be boring for you. I know that I am still learning new things. I'm no expert. There is no such thing as an expert. What works for one person doesn't work for everyone.
That's all the senseless dribble I have for the moment.
Thanks for asking Craig.
John Kaz.
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Post by Craig Smerda »

:lol: wow... nobody reads books anymore!... you will have to put all that in a video for everyone to analyze.

seriously now... I have seen the best paddlers in the world in my back yard (K1, C1, C2 and OC). Kaz is in the cream of the crop...no B.S.! Davey Hearn is a technican, Scott Shipley is brutally fast, Rebecca (Bennett to Us!) Giddens has all the right moves... but they would have a hard time holding a candle to John in a open canoe... bank on it!... plus John would rather drink a beer with you than maw' on a power bar... I've seen that too! (The guy is funnier than he let's on too!).. right Alden?

Leo McGarry


Post by Leo McGarry »

geez, craig . . . i hear kaz is single, it sounds like you might be interested in that!

Post by kaz »

Craig, you need to stay away from those curds.
Gear tip - If you don't already have them, install a pair of hip blocks in your boat. Glue in blocks of minicell just below the gunwales. Shape them so they just touch your hips and it's not too difficult getting in and out. This will help you keep your weight centered in the boat, where it's supposed to be. Staying centered will help you absorb all the little blips happening while paddling.
Bob P
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Post by Bob P »

I've been watching Kaz race for 20 years, trying to analyze his technique.

I think that there's some magic involved. :o
Bob P

Post by CraigS »

Alden... have you ever beat Kaz at a race yet? Come on the man is 3 times your age! :lol:
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Post by Jim »

Like I have said before- the best paddler on the river is the one who is having the most fun… and that is Kaz.

When I am paddling with my son I am closing in on him on the fun part, but never on the boat speed or control. I agree with Bob- there is some kind of magic involved.

I have to disagree with Kaz on 1 point- he is an expert by any definition (other than his own).

Jed Bartlett


Post by Jed Bartlett »


It's okay, really -- the ancient Greeks encouraged this sort of attraction! In my book, you are free to be who you are . . .

Kaz, I think the rest of these guys are trying to do that "maybe I'll get a free boat someday" thing . . .

Actually, I've tried that too, but Kaz is like Scrooge in business relations, "Hard and sharp as flint from which no steel had ever struck generous flame."


Post by kaz »

I knew it! All that you guys want are free boats!
Jed, you are becoming quite the wordsmith.....the makings of a great author. Ya' nevah know.
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Post by Jan_dettmer »

...hip blocks is a good point! It made quite the difference for me when I started using them. Much better edge controll and all that.

That does not get me a free boat though, does it? I don't even know Kaz.
If it does, I'll take an Amoeba. Thanks Kaz.

Cheers, Jan
Is there something like an expert kayaker?

Post by CraigS »

:( sorry to dissapoint your fantasies Alden... I'm a happily married man.... most the time.

You should start hangin' out with Kaz there little Grasshopper!

Snatch the pebble from my hand....*WHACK*... and a Mitchell across the knuckles is what you shall recieve...

No free boats for you!
leo mcgarry


Post by leo mcgarry »

Mike Campbell just sent me this link:


It's got the finals for the 2004 olympics, every class. the videos take a while, but are well worth it. martikan and estanguet are the only ones I have watched so far, but man . . . I can feel myself getting better at paddling just watching those guys. Plus the French announcers are so into it!

I recently heard Brett Heyl tell a story about getting speared by Martikan in training right before the Olympics. Apparently Martikan just slammed right into him and put a hole in Brett's boat, and didn't even stop. (Fortunately it sounds like later Brett gave as good as he got . . . )

But Kaz would never behave that wayon the water, would you John?

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Hip Blocks

Post by Jon »

Are you talking about hip blocks in an OC1?
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