Who are you (blast and zoom on 95 in MA)

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David Nickerson
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Who are you (blast and zoom on 95 in MA)

Post by David Nickerson »

Writing in for hubby David who is one the road delivering Esquif boats and saw a silver SUV maybe a Nissan Pathfinder, heading south on 95 in MA near Boston...
Wasn't Shelly and Larry was it? Was sure it might be someone he knows with the Blast/Zoom on the car.

Also, he'll be dropping off at Blue Mountain Outfitters Monday and then he'll be in Charleston, WV then to NOC. If anyone on this route wants to see the zephr, give him a call at 508-641-3283.

Li'l D
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Post by Li'l D »

Someone else has good taste. It wasn't us. We were in Mass today paddling the Farmington. Shelly and the Zoom performed some entertaining moves in a hole but the Blast stayed home this time.
S & L
David Nickerson
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Post by David Nickerson »

I figured that was the case Larry. Wish I could have joined you guys again, I had so much fun with you all last weekend.

I'm wondering if I was hallucinating, as when I was driving back down 95 around 4:30 this afternoon, I passed that silver SUV again.

I thought there was a guy driving in the morning, this afternoon there looked to be a dark haired woman driving.l

Anyone, anyone???

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Post by LEW »

Maybe all those highway miles ARE catching up with you and you were "seeing things". :wink:
Or maybe all those miles are paying off and there are more multiple Esquif owners out there now. :D
Too bad you couldn't joins us this weekend , but after the 3100+CFS on West Canada Creek, the Farmington at 300 CFS seemed pretty tame! Shelly's ride in that hole was really entertaining though. She made multiple spins, went from onside to offside and back and managed to stay balanced over the the Zoom for quite a while. She had everyone hooting and howling like it was a wild west rodeo! That Zoom is one LIVELY boat!!

Al Greve
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Post by Al Greve »

I`m one of those multiple Esquif owners thats out there and I was in NY state over the weekend but I was on the Bottom Moose and Independence and I drive a black Tahoe.... sorry not me ! :wink:

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We are Ladd and Beth Campbell...

Post by Ladd »

Yes, that was us on MA 95. I was wondering what black high performance canoe that was on the van. We just moved up to Boston from the great state of Tennessee. I can't remember if we paddled the Souhegan or the Ashuelot that weekend. I paddle the Zoom and my wife paddles the Blast.

I believe I paddled with you on the Ocoee one weekend. You got caught in a pretty memorable side surf from what I remember. We are very interested in paddling the Zephyr if you are in the Boston area anytime in the future. I started in a Nitro and have been really happy with all my Esquif canoes. Although, I need to get my wife in something a little lighter. (The Blast is HEAVY to portage).

How does the Zephyr compare to the Spark? I really like the Zoom but want something a little faster and more reassuring in bigger water. I demoed a Spark and liked it quite a bit but missed the snappy turns of the Zoom. Will Esquif be making their older WW boats in the new materials?

Would love to paddle with you or any other open boaters in the New England area. We have seen a NH boater in a Bell Ocoee the last couple weekends paddling with a couple kayakers. Who are you?

Take care,
Ladd Campbell
David Nickerson
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Too funny!

Post by David Nickerson »

Hey Ladd,
Good to hear from you.

I told my wife about your reply, she asked if I remembered you. I don't really remember much other than the river. I think that was my first time on the Ocoee (possibly my second).

That hole on the other hand, I remember for sure.

I was there at GAF weekend, and remember looking at that hole, thinking "how did that keep me?"

Where in Boston are you now?

I keep my demo fleet at my mother's house in Holliston. You're welcome to drop by to try a boat. Just let me know what you're up for and when. I've got a Spark, as well as the new Zephyr there.

Talk soon,
David Nickerson
c: 508-641-3283
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