C-Boater's (Swimmers) ear?

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Sir Adam
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C-Boater's (Swimmers) ear?

Post by Sir Adam »

C-Boater's (Swimmers) ear?
by telewhacker telewhacker

I apologize in advance if this is not a C-Forum appropriate question. But, since my town's river restoration opened last week I have spent more time on the water than I have in a log, long time. The features we created, shallow waves, crisp eddy lines, lend themselves to squirts, plowing enders, cartwheels etc. These are all things I am not very adept at as yet; so I roll. And I roll. And I roll.

I have never been upside down so much in my life, and as a result I have developed swimmer's, or C-boater's ear.

Can anyone offer advice?

I think all the previous advice on rolls and squirts contributed to this problem, so maybe the group can help bail me out?

Posted on Sep 25, 2002, 12:26 PM

been there, done that...
by Scott Broam

Mix some alcohol and white vinegar (apple cider or balsamic vinegar will make you smell like a salad) in a 50/50 solution, put it in a small dropper bottle and keep it in your vehicle. When you get out - put a few drops in each ear. One way to get a handy dropper bottle is to buy some "SwimEar" (or other similar product) and make your own refills...


Posted on Sep 25, 2002, 12:46 PM

I agree, this works
by Courtney Caldwell Courtney Caldwell

Be sure to keep head tilted and let 3-4 drops stay in each ear for three minutes.

Posted on Sep 25, 2002, 1:16 PM

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cure or prevention?
by telewhacker telewhacker

Is the vinagerette supposed to cure the problem, or prevent its recurrence?

I don't have to quit paddling (shudder) in the mean time do I?

Posted on Sep 25, 2002, 1:28 PM

by Scott Broam

I think "swimmer's ear" is or leads to an outer ear infection (outside of the ear drum) - you'd need to see a doc if you have much discomfort. I don't think the vinaigrette is going to cure it.

I've only had an outer ear infection twice (though countless middle and inner ear infections) and I would do just about anything to avoid the outer ear infection. The worse of the two episodes involved my ear canal swelling shut, pain comparable to an alien sucking out my brain, and the doctor verrrrrry painfully inserting and later extracting a wick (? shunt? stint? a cloth "straw" so my ear would drain). Oh, and I had a painful reaction to the first set of ear drops. Did I mention it hurt? Made migraines seem like a walk in the park.

Sooo, when immersing in gunky water (read : any water that has not been distilled to laboratory purity), I use them drops near about religiously...


Posted on Sep 25, 2002, 2:29 PM

Ear plugs?
by Josh

I don't suffer from that problem, however i have seen many paddlers using honking ear plugs that pretty much seal off the entire ear canal. Would this be a possible solution? Hope you get sorted out.

Posted on Sep 25, 2002, 5:34 PM

I use a plug...
by Mike W. Mike W.

Yes, one plug. I was having trouble with my offside ear. I usually do not flip to my onside, so the offside ear takes a beating. I use Smith & Wesson ear plugs. Available at your local ___-Mart for a couple of bucks. I thread the string through the holes in the back of my helmet so they are always there.
Mike W.

Posted on Sep 25, 2002, 6:00 PM

by telewhacker telewhacker

I think I am on the mend, but I see a future of drops and plugs stretching out before me.

Interestingly it is my off-side ear as well that has the problem. I think my dismounts to the offside have alot more jumanji to them since I try to carry the momentum on under the boat. Onside dismounts are better described as a missed-brace-to -flop. I think there is a lot less hydraulic pressure in this.

Thanks for all the tips.


Posted on Sep 26, 2002, 12:11 PM

Dr D's Pro Plugs!
by C1Deli

These are very cool ear plugs and they have one model with a tiny hole in -- so you can hear -- but small enough to not let water in.

Prevention, prevention, prevention.

Posted on Sep 27, 2002, 2:46 AM

this is the solution
by Dave Bat

I have tried the whole spectrum of home remedies....Glycerin and alchohol,hydrogen peroxide and glycerin and they dont work....I got tired of saying EH,EH and someone turned me on to a store bought fixer called Auro Dry and it really works well.

Posted on Sep 27, 2002, 8:36 AM
Keep the C!
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