c-1s at the Worlds

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c-1s at the Worlds

Post by Aldenb »

so, anyone have any predictions for which C-1 will win the Freestyle Worlds next week? I can't say I know much about any of the Americans, much less their international competitors, but from what I've read I think that Bill McKnight guy sounds like the one to beat.

I think it will be really interesting to compare the top C-1 scores to the top K-1s. i don't know much about scoring or anything, but my guess is that in this year's hole (which by all accounts is really huge and trashy) the C-1s probably will have more trouble catching the kayaks.

It really surprised a slalom guy like myself to see that there are no less than 6 c-1s and 11 k1-men on the Freestyle Team.

Has anyone here ever actually competed in a rodeo? It's funny that there are millions of people in rodeo boats (myself included) in my region (New England) yet there are only two rodeos in the region that I know of. On the other hand nobody paddles slalom boats, yet you can race every weekend from late March until mid-June (and frequently be choosing between races)! it's interesting that for some reason that one form of competition is much more appealing around here than the other. I guess it's just the dearth of good rodeo holes in New England, but no. . . that cant be it!
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Post by CosmikDebris »

I have only ever seen video clips of Bill McNight, however having seen Barry Kennon on the Ocoee a few times and he was probably one of the best rodeo boaters out there (K-1 or C-1). Anyways, as far as the slalom/rodeo thing goes, I've been itching to get in a slalom boat for a while but since I usually live down south (kentucky) I have a shortage of races, as well as a shortage of funds. I almost bough a slalom boat a few months ago, however I then though to myself, where and when the hades will I ever get to paddle this thing. On the other hand, my friend at home and I are somewhat looking for a cheap C-2 if you know of any.
-Watch out where the huskies go, and do not eat that yellow snow.


Post by Aldenb »

yeah i used to run into barry all the time at quarry last summer. he was insanely good -- i mean, he was head-and-shoulders above any of those hot NOC kayak instructors. the difference is that he attacks the hole like nobody ive ever seen -- as in, if you were to float in there while he's cartwheeling, you'd get spit out in little pieces! i mean, for heaven's sakes the guy looks like he's on some serious steriods. but a close friend of his told me that he is actually the "lightweight" of his brothers!

well, i wish him the best

hey will, i thought you live in NH most of the year. theres a shitload of races out there. too bad, i just sold old slalom boat today . . .
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Post by Kevin »

I wonder if Graham "The Hurricane" Harada is there? If so hope he rips it up!
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Post by James »

Graham is there, likely to put on a great show. Also for C1 for Canada is Guilliame and Vincent from Montreal. Let`s see whether those little wave boys get their butts kicked!
bobby d

on tv

Post by bobby d »

will the worlds be on tv this year
im looking forward to seeing it
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My 2 cents...

Post by Sir Adam »

All the paddlers listed are phenomenal paddlers. But, IMhO THE top c1 freestyle paddler is Paul Danks. Period. We'll C if he starts competing again, and how he stacks up amongst those listed above :D .
Keep the C!


Post by Aldenb »

fascinating! i just went paddling with a bunch of guys today and they were raving about this fellow, Paul Danks. i kid you not. who the hades is this guy? these are guys i really respect, too, and they were speaking glowingly about him. they said he designed the groove or something

well, fill me in
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Paul Danks

Post by Sir Adam »

Paul Danks and Ian Thomson designed the Groove-I seem to recall they hashed out the design on a long road trip, and Paul (although disqualified :evil: (again, this is how the tale I heard goes) because the boat was too high volume for squirt, and too low volume for surface) scored 50% higher than the kayakist who won (Ken Whiting?). I think that was '97, but I'm not sure. Hopefully Ian or Paul will appear and correct all my mis-information :o .

Paul did the first Green Grind (in the Groove) and is a phenomenal boater, AND a real nice guy. I had a chance to discuss outfitting and boats with he and Ian a few years ago at the Jimicup, and it was just like talking to knowledgable friends I'd known for years.

If you can track down a Massive (Ian's company that made the Groove) promo tape you'll see Paul (and Ian) having a great time in their grooves. If I can be HALF the paddler Paul is someday, I'll be very, very, very happy. Paul and Ian are also in the "We Designed 'Em video -rainbow glass groove (versus the yellow plastic prototype I think Corran is in)-Paul is a lefty, Ian a righty.
Keep the C!
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