Any comments on converting a Wave Sport Z to C1

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Re: Conversion saddles

Post by eculp »

billcanoes wrote:Bernie with Whitewater Warehouse in OH has a friend John who is designing conversion kits. The company is East Coast Canoes- I looked for them a little this morning but couldn't find the web page.

Maybe someone else here has contact info.
Thanks Bill, you are always there with the answer. Since I arrived late (as is commonly said here "Mexican time") I have seen the East Coast Canoes, post and it looks really nice and from the photos. I think I prefer it to dagger. I'm going to ask them about hip pads but that is a personal preference that I can solve here and have on 4 different boats.

Like I mentioned in a previous post, we are getting a lot of rain so if you are thinking of a winter vacation, this just might the time to consider some time in central Veracruz. I think you have my email. If not, just pm me.


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Post by eculp »

sbroam wrote:A Z should be good river runner / playboat. [I was shopping for one when I ended up with my UltraClean. I eventually replaced the Ultraclean with a Score, the slightly longer, pointier brother of the Z.] I had a chance to paddle a Z and liked it - it surfed well and I could flatwater cartwheel it with little effort (I'm 220#). Speed is entirely relative - this will be a lot faster than the current crop of spud boats, but slower than Christmas compared to a slalom boat. I say go for it - do "non-destructive" outfitting so you can turn it back to a K-1 if it doesn't work out.
You've convinced me, I'm going to try to find the guy who has 2 and buy one from him today. You should be his salesman. :wink: I think you have but it in my perspective. I was/am concerned about the speed, I'm not getting any younger, but it is relative.

Thanks, again.

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Post by eculp »

East Coast Canoes wrote:Bill, thanks for the promo
everyone, with the the help from Bernie from the Whitewater Warehouse we have a complete C1 conversion availble.
the website isn't back up and running yet since i took ownership of East Coast Canoes.
if anyone is intrested for now, i can post or e-mail some pics.
it's a really good and easy kit with only a few adjustments..
also availble is outfitting and custom straps and accs.

Ed, send me a e-mail and i will send you some pics and info
also i will try to post some pics today.
let me know
I read your posts and sent you the email. Thanks
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Post by eculp »

cheajack wrote:I've had two Z-1's. They are great boats. Very stable. Medium fast for the length/volume. Great river runner. OK playboat as long as surfing and flat spins satisfies you. With the possible exception of an Overflow X, the Z is the best all around conversion I have paddled.
Can't ask for a better recommendation than that although IIRC the Z1 is the smaller version of the Z but should hold true for the Z.


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Re: Z

Post by eculp »

C-Dawg wrote:Very stable boat on the Gauley and Upper yough, great surfs on the Ottawa. Per Bernie maybe 8 years ago I took a piece of Kevlar and epoxied it to the inside of the hull and then made a foam pedestal 6 1/2 inches high. Used Northwater wide double attachment velcro straps. They keep you tight if you need to roll but have released when I needed to swim, Big Nasty at 7 foot, I embarrassed myself as I was following 4 butt boaters and was not aggressively running a c-boater line. I store a cheap raft paddle with cut down shaft as a spare in the front end. I do miss the longer glass boats but do like the Z.
Probably couldn't find better rivers for testing. What else can I say. I have to finish this and go look for the guy who has the WS Z's :wink:

have a great weekend,

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Post by c1swim »

" First as a selfless friend to all of us and second as the whitewater pioneer that really got Mexico started. Steve Abbott will always be with us."
Yes, he is missed. I've been running the Guad. since the late 70s
It was my first non-brown river. With the hypo-limnetic release from
Canyon lake, even at flood stage the water quality is excellent (lower Guadalupe') and we've been there all summer(floodstage).
I'd enjoy hooking up with you for some boating, either here or there.
It's hard to beat the ease of the dagger insert, as it can be switched from one boat to another. I have an extra Dagger Cascade here in Austin and would let it go cheap. You could add it to the fleet or pull the saddle.

" On a side note, I think you can stop "dancing for rain" because we have had more than our share in Veracruz this year, too."

If I stop, the Ark I built will never get off the ground.
Let me know if you get to Texas. peace.
dance for rain
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Post by eculp »

c1swim wrote:" First as a selfless friend to all of us and second as the whitewater pioneer that really got Mexico started. Steve Abbott will always be with us."
Yes, he is missed. I've been running the Guad. since the late 70s
It was my first non-brown river. With the hypo-limnetic release from
Canyon lake, even at flood stage the water quality is excellent (lower Guadalupe') and we've been there all summer(floodstage).
I'd enjoy hooking up with you for some boating, either here or there.
It's hard to beat the ease of the dagger insert, as it can be switched from one boat to another. I have an extra Dagger Cascade here in Austin and would let it go cheap. You could add it to the fleet or pull the saddle.

" On a side note, I think you can stop "dancing for rain" because we have had more than our share in Veracruz this year, too."

If I stop, the Ark I built will never get off the ground.
Let me know if you get to Texas. peace.
I will but if you get free this winter, should be nice down here. Give it some thought.

Look forward to meeting you.

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Post by eculp »

I just got a brand new Wave Sport Z from the distributor in Mexico City. A friend of mine called them because I never thought they would have a new one in stock. I thought that they hadn't been made for a couple of years.

Now just have to figure out how to get an outfitting kit down here.

Thanks to all who shared their opinions and suggestions. I'll let you know how it paddles as soon as I can get it on the water.


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Post by eculp »

Some folks are going to be coming down here and would be able to bring me the kit if you have any available.

Please let me know.


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