Colorado has been hammered this year with snow. It will be a good year to paddle Colorado. However, you will probably be looking at where to paddle to avoid very high water, if we get our average spring snows.
Some mountains location have only had 5 to 7 days without snow and are already at 100% for the year with 2 1/2 months to go.
Here is a picture of our March 2003 6' Front Range snow storm. Umm, I want spring snow, but hoping for it to be a little more spreadout then all at once.
I'm snowed in again. it's the second day of a wicked ground blizzard (big wind, no snow), but the snow is scheduled to start this evening. It should get a lot worse. On the bright side, water is going to run big this summer, great paddling ahead.
when all that stuff melts and starts draining down earth's surface, with tilt and rotation... we'll have a great juicy summer in the southeast! Yall come down, reuse that h2o, and paddle in shorts! .....
another gravity sport like snow skiing!! That is what I did mostly until a friend said, Helen you like skiing so much, you should try's a gravity sport too.
It's been 3 years now that I haven't gone skiing....I find I'd rather take more trips paddling!
BUT, if I lived in an area where snow skiing was an option, you know I'd be doing that when boating wasn't an option!