Clean coal...

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Clean coal...

Post by PAC »

in response to that argument...

Paul C.
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clean coal

Post by Big Al »

sorta like watching anti-abortion video

WV is at the bottom rung of virtually every economic, educational, and cultural index you look at.

do u think w/out coal mining WV would be really better off, or?
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Post by gumpy »

just the facts...

thanks paul
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Post by Sir Adam »

I would say that is indeed a good response, and equally as far to the environmental side as clean coal ads and advocates are to the mining side.

Both make it hard for the average citizen to figure out what to understand as the truth, let alone stand on the issues.

Almost every single item we use today in some part comes from a mine or exploration activity (non-food :) ). We can not get away from mining of some sort, be it for energy or raw materials without a dramatic shift.

You can put lots of faces of all types on the arguments, but in the end it's all about what WE want our environment to be like in the future, and each one of us makes choices every day that will impact that, and we and our decedents will have to live with the consequences. It's not about saving the animals, plants, mountains, or even rivers for their own sake (sorry, but the rivers don't care...they were here long before us, and will be here long after we're gone). It's about what WE want our surroundings to be like for ourselves, and generations to come.

That's my take on it anyway.

It is important to think about, and relevant for us here to consider and discuss, as most of us like our rivers free flowing and clean so we can enjoy them in our plastic and composite (both oil and mining derived) boats.
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Post by Crash »

If you don't like coal lets go nuc.At $0.03 a KW we can all drive ellectrec trucks loaded with boats to the river.Insted of $4.50 a gallon and driving itty bitty death traps.
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Post by KNeal »

Crash wrote:If you don't like coal lets go nuc.At $0.03 a KW we can all drive ellectrec trucks loaded with boats to the river.Insted of $4.50 a gallon and driving itty bitty death traps.
I have not taken a look at the link "dirtylie", but I've got an opinion. :D Coal is simply a nasty fuel source for energy and the way to get it is simply bad for the environment. The risk of mining is high and if a fire ever starts in a coal mine--well, just ask Paul what has happened to towns in Pennsylvania that have active coal mine fires.

What solutions do we have for energy?:
  • solar-expensive
    windmill generators-I drove past a windmill farm near Oak Ridge, Tennessee and they are just plain UGLY!
    nuclear-where do you put the used up, still-radioactive, rods? In the ground? Really?
Lots of serious problems with our energy gluttony and no easy answers. If I had a real good answer, you'd be buying my book right now. :lol:

Now, to make this post relaevant to boating--I'm sidelined from cboating right now with a tear in the cartilage to my knee. How's that for keeping it boating related? :cry:

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Post by Alden »

To quote the West Wing, "'Clean coal' is a term pollsters came up with because it polls better than regular 'coal.'"
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Post by jroneil »

You paddle it is nothing to drive 100-200 miles a day plus the weight of the boats. You will probably alway need a gas power vehicle (boats would probably cover any solar panels) The New Desiels sound like they will be the future with 70 +mpg and coal can be converted to desiel along with many other things biodesiel not corn but waste products. By the end of the year no one will have any money anyway :lol: to go any where
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Post by ezwater »

:D Just think of all the employment created when street people can be employed to scrub and dry coal by hand.
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Post by Alden »

Look guys, I like this discussion and all, but I might have to step up here as a (self-appointed) Cboats Admin and send this thread where it really belongs! To the 'Off-Topic' Forum! :D

It's fun going off-topic, I know, but then again -- so is using profanity. And we don't do either one of those things here at, do we? 8)

So someone better start talking about a Jim Gross boat design that was made completely out of clean coal, or something along those lines -- otherwise I'm going to have give this thread a new home! :D

- Sir Alden
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