Warning!!!!!!!Crossin the Frontera

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Warning!!!!!!!Crossin the Frontera

Post by Louie »

Warning to anyone crossin the Frontera to boat. The boarder cops are really crackin down on people smugglin whistles into the US. If you ain't a traffic cop, school crossin guard or a deaf mute that paddles I wouldn't risk tryin to sneal a whistle into the country. I have heard tales of long detentions, strip search, cars being confenscated, fines, entries into you secret homeland security files.While it is true that down here we love seein our buddies swim as much as the next guy however we feel if you ain't willing to force them out of an eddy backwards or plow your boat into them to make them swim it is kinda cheatin. I will admit that it is cool as hades the way you can scare your buddy into swimin by just blowin one of those dam whistles, andI will have to admit I ain't never knowed no time it ain't worked. I have never seen you one of you all blow one of those dam what that I didn't look up and sure enough that loud noise hadn't scared someone into fallin out of their boat. Down here when we want to make someone swim we like to get close enough to see the fear in their eyes, sorta like a knife fight. The way you all do it with one of those dam whistle is like usin a lasser guided bomb. Beside if I make someone swim I want to make sure they know who did it.
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Post by CaroleW. »

Ok, no whistles unless death is at the door, and while your at it, let them Canadians the rules about swimming. If you swim, STAND UP! GIT YOUR BOAT!
Took me a few trips down to figure it out...
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Check This Out

Post by semdoug »

Not about whistles but check this out.

http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columb ... ouble.html

Post by Louie »

see and was just for askin them to say please, can you iminage what they would do if they though you were going to blow one of those whistles in their ear. Remember ICE and TSA are people who weren't smart enough to get a job with the DMV

Yes stand up and get your boat. If I had a dollar for everytime I watched some poor person float for a few hundred yards in shin deep water gettin the dog crap beat out of them, just because some idoit told them never to stand up in movin water, well I'd have a lot of dollars. This is not a team sport, it is not anyone else job to save you, you should first try and save yourself. If it looks like you are really in danger and you have tried to help yourself, if I'm not in the middle of safety break and number 1 HELPIN YOU WON'T PUT ME IN DANGER, I might try and give you a hand, of couse if you are a good lookin girl needin help, I'd swim off Niagra to lend assistance, particular if I thougth you were goin to need mouth to mouth resucation.
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Post by ezwater »

Louie wrote:Yes stand up and get your boat. If I had a dollar for everytime I watched some poor person float for a few hundred yards in shin deep water gettin the dog crap beat out of them, just because some idoit told them never to stand up in movin water, well I'd have a lot of dollars. This is not a team sport, it is not anyone else job to save you, you should first try and save yourself.
:lol: Louie, that shows why people can't live by rules rather than understanding. A little interactive teaching session and some practice swimming and standing in rocky water can quickly show most people that there is no rule. I say that as one who has waded miles of the Chattooga headwaters, and as one who dam near drowned in front of a crowd when I suffered leg entrapment in a favorite Georgia body surfing spot.

I could stick my hand out of the water, but my head was more than a foot below, so a whistle wouldn't work too good.

Post by Louie »

Yes you are right if the water is over your head don't stand up, swim, if the water is shin deep don't swim, stand up.

BTW how did the crowd break? 60/40 pullin for you to make it,

or did it go the other way 95/5 hoppin to see them draggin the lake
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Post by ezwater »

The crowd, including my spouse and daughter, did not notice my hand or that anything was amiss until my knee hyperextended and I got free. So I suspect I could have drowned right in front of them. They might have seen my hand waving just above the water, but they probably would have said, "What a card ! How's he doing that?"

That was way back in 1980. My knee was loused up and I couldn't kneel to paddle for a while, but I did get to be "raft guide" for a couple of runs on the Ocoee while I was recuperating.

Post by Louie »

Well I'm sure with the insurances and the relaxation of the inherancence tax laws and all it was a tuff choice for your family. I know I would have had mixed emotions about the whole thing.
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Post by Alden »

That's an incredible story! Ezwater, what's your "real" name, anyway?

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Post by ezwater »

Michael Lewis.... no, wait, I'm old with failing memory....

Gary DeBacher

Post by Louie »

Doc the next time you are in that same sistuation, don't wave use your index finger to point to yourself and follow imideantly with a raise middle finger. repeat till someone either figures out what you are sayin or they have to come out and save you just so they can kick you rear end.
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