STOLEN C-1! pls help.

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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C Boater
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Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2004 9:38 pm
Location: Redding, California

STOLEN C-1! pls help.

Post by Kalifornia_Kid »

OK, I realize that this is probably the biggest longshot in the world, but I've tried everything else. After paddling it only one time, my RPM Max C-1 was stolen in Redding, CA. It is bright blue, and obviously, there are not a lot of MAX C-1's in Cali. On the back deck, opposite of the "MAX" logo, there is my own logo, which is two "K's" back to back Kinda looks like this " )I( " Kinda, if anyone sees it, please let me know. I'm just hoping I don't find it wrapped around a bridge pier in the Sacramento River.
Thanks guys,
Kalifornia Kid

Post by Kaz »

Rob, sorry to hear that. We'll keep our eyes peeled.(sounds painful)
On a brighter note, how's that slalom site coming along. Here's a good place to put in a plug for it. Is there a website ?
C Boater
Posts: 25
Joined: Fri Jan 16, 2004 9:38 pm
Location: Redding, California

04 Nats

Post by Kalifornia_Kid »

Hey Kaz,
Thanks for the message man. As for the Nats, I intend for there to be a website, and I am also working on a flyer to send out to everyone too, to encourage them to come. If everything goes as planned, this should be a really great event. I am not moving on anything though until we have the Forest Service permit, which, in this case, the local FS is insisting that the ACA get the permit, which we could not apply for until Jan 1. We played phone nad email tag with them for awhile, but I think we have it all smoothed out. According to the ACA, the permit is now in the mail, and we should have it within days. We have not done any announcing on websites or flyers because the local FS gets its feathers ruffled awful easy and until I have the permit in hand they can really make my life miserable. But, hopefully I can roll with it in a few days. I'll keep you all posted.
Thanks again
Kalifornia Kid :)
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