New Facts on the 04 OC Nats

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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New Facts on the 04 OC Nats

Post by Kalifornia_Kid »

Hi Ya'll! I have some new information, and some questions for a couple of people.

We have finally secured the ACA and Forest Service Permits. It took awhile to jump through the hoops and cut through the red tape but we finally have it. Which means that now I can officially advertise the event. The FS and the ACA were getting uppity about promoting the event without the permits secured.

So, a new web site is being constructed even as I type this out. It will be accessible (hopefully) within a week or so, and you'll be able to get there through the standard link at ACA's Open Canoe National's page. There will also be contact, lodging, transportation, and river information listed on the actual ACA site. We just emailed all the information to Gerald B. (new ACA race chairman) so if its not on the site yet, its his fault, and not mine so you'll have to talk to him about it. Hehehehe, I love delegation. :lol:

John Kaz has been kind enough to volunteer to design the course this year, and all he asks for in return are six upstream gates in a row and a six pack of beer. Bud, Coors, Coronoa, or Heineken John? Oh, and I have a question for you John, would you also be interested in working as a sponsor (Millbrook Boats) if not I'll understand since you're already designing the course and that's a lot of work in and of itself. But just let me know.

So far, the rest of the details are still on green light. The salmon dinner, campsites, lodges, concert and light-show and everything else still look good. We do have lots of volunteers already, but if anyone is interested in being a good samaritan and volunteering for anything ahead of time, please don't be shy about it. Just send me an email, you can get that by clicking on my name Kalifornia_Kid anywhere on this web site, and it will pull up my profile and my email address. Just tell me you would like to (or are being forced to)...volunteer.

I have more information coming, but not all of it is fo-sure info yet, so I'm not writing on it. We already have gates, bibs, wire, hangers, water donations, PA system, etc.

What we need...a set of laser timers. We really, really need a set of laser timers. Also, if anyone has walkie-talkies, please don't be shy, bring them out. And please let me know soon so I can stop worrying about these kind of things. Otherwise I'll get an ulcer :cry: and we'll have to call off the race :o and then nobody's happy. :evil: Cell Phones won't work at the race site, its too far from the recievers and its up in the mountains.

That's about it for now, I'll be checking back in frequently to read posts and answer any questions. I'm also still working on collecting spare boats for those unfortunate people who can't arrange transportation for thier own. I have more than a dozen so far. I don't know how many I'll be able to secure, but we'll try.

Thanks Guyz, hope to hear from you soon
Kalifornia Kid
NEOC Slalom Rules
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Post by NEOC Slalom Rules »

Try your ski areas that have slalom racing programs for borrowing a timing system (and maybe a body to run it). Most have set-ups with wand starts and electric eye finishes. Many have two or more sets and you can then set up the eye for the start also. This equipment is generally mothballed during the summer so you might be able to work something out.
Open Boat/Open Mind
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