The Re-Birth of Canoeing (plastic canoe era)

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Post by Alden »

Larry, I totally agree in spirit . . .

These types of threads seem to arise once a year, usually with someone fairly new the sport, often young, beating the drums loudest . . . It changes . . . I think that was me about eight years ago. The enthusiasm for introducing new people to our sport, though, is something I still admire, and share.

At one time I think I had grandiose notions both of what our sport could be, and of what I could be. "If I could just write the most massive, most entertaining, most appealing guide to all the best rivers . . . "

You pays your money, you writes your 320 pages, you works your four years, you takes your choice . . .

What I mean to say is that now, while I still admire and even share the enthusiasm for widening participation in our sport (no matter the facet), I think I appreciate even more what Larry is getting at . . .

Namely, the uniqueness of paddling with a single blade.


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Post by FullGnarlzOC »

"If it was ever going to become wildly popular, it would have happened already."

Larry you may be right in all of ur post.... But its quitter talk man. Perhaps this it the greenhorn in my speaking out, and perhaps you all have been in the sport way to long to think that it has a chance to get where I think it can be...

But if that's the case... we need new boaters that are amped up about the sport.

Anyone that is a true fan of the sport...wants anyone and everyone to get into it, because u think it's THAT good of a sport. I've played competitive football, baseball, hockey, tennis, table tennis, avid hunter, wrestled, ect...... while all of them are great sports in their own way... canoeing is unique, in that fact that it encompasses everything that should be in a sport.

And to all u ppl who think canoeing is expensive... my parents spent over $5000 a year on hockey(not counting travel)... I went to over 48 states, 4 canadian provinces(you do the math).... There are plenty other sports that are way bigger than canoeing...and are way more expensive....

We have GOT to get away from the quitter talk. The "it is what it is" talk. I hate that phrase... I think the world 'is what it is' because of that phrase.
Silverbirch Canoes - North American Distributor
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Post by FullGnarlzOC »

and Larry....if the sport grew... You would be just another dime-a-dozen single sticker..... NOT ME. I'm far to young, ambitious(ww wise), and loud mouthed to fall into that stigma.... ;)
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Post by craig »

I think that to get more people into the sport, or to stay in it, there is a need for smaller/ lighter boats. most women will not buy a boat that they cannot carry or load onto their car by themselves easily. Me too for that matter, as my heaviest ones see the least amount of use. Younger folks tend to have smaller cars, live in apts, and have lower budgets. Kayaks fit better into their lifestyle. I like being my own man, so being a little different is fine for me :)
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Post by knu4me »

I am a newbie and really enjoy reading cboats. I seem to not follow the crowd with the things i get involved in. Its part of the fun for me being the hardhead. I was into fourwheeling and everyone drove jeeps so i drove an early bronco. Do i like to stand out? not really just chose a different route. Anyway I have been told twice now that i should get a kayak as i swim my spark to shore to dump it. It makes me laugh inside and that keeps me going. I feel the size and transportation thing is a reason but that seems to be changing so we will see. The more I go the more questions I get asked so it is making people realize tha all canoes are not 17 ft long. Just my 2 cents
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