Thanks for all the tips everyone! Keep them coming. I've been trying to picture in my mind what I've been doing incorrectly and what I can improve on. My short list;
1. shorten my stroke
2. add a little carve to my approach
3. Sit up, knee crunch, throw body forward etc.
4. Spot my landing better
I think I've been taking too long and hard of a stroke at the lip and leaning back too long. I've been hitting the lip of the drop pretty square as well. All these factors make the boat tend to turn to my offside (mostly). Then I'm landing sideways on a brace as the boat turns or resurfaces toward my offside. Not that I want to run BIG drops, that's Dooley's job. I just want to put the boat where it needs to be. Now to practice! I need an indoor water park now that the weather is getting colder
I had the same problem before : my canoe would turn to my offside when I boofed. What I did was to paddle against an arc, as some have suggested before.
Then I realized that boofing was not all about having a very strong book stroke. What you need is good forward momentum, a nice forward stroke (vertical shaft, etc etc), a very precise timing, and not leaning too far back. When I finally put this all together, I was able to boof easily without turning on my offside!