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That's a good idea!

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 3:45 pm
by NZMatt
Now this is an idea I like - it evens the field AND lets people race whatever they have. Of course, I'm not a competitive racer, but I do enjoy the odd bit of slalom. If we could work out a way to make this sort of system work, ti would definitely rock!

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 11:31 am
by Kaz
Matt, that is an interesting idea but I think it will lead to even more confusion.
Having competitors paddle similar boats evens out the field. It will be athlete against athlete, instead of 10' boat against 18' boat with a special formula applied.
People 's biggest complaint about racing is they don't want to buy a boat that they will only use at a race once or twice a year. My answers to that are:
#1 Why not? Do you own 2 or 3 of anything to pursue a hobby?
#2 Why won't you paddle that "race" boat more often? You can certainly cruise rivers in them. Believe it or not, I sell more canoes to cruisers than racers. People do paddle composite boats for enjoyment.
Sorry if doesn't make much sense, I haven't had coffee yet.
John Kaz

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 5:33 pm
by NZMatt
Makes a lot of sense Kaz and given how many boats I've got at this point, I certainly can't claim that that would keep me out of it (just give me another excuse to buy a boat). It's fun no matter what boat you're paddling - I don't care too much about being competitive (which is good since I'm not) but when I do race, it's for the fun and personal challenge. I know I'll pick up a race boat at some point....I just haven't got one yet :)

As far as encouraging participation though and getting numbers up something like a handicap formula applied to the boat design used might help for those that do care about remaining competitive,

I also just bought my first glass boats (yes just worked out that way :lol: ) so over time once I've paddled these a bit more I'm sure I'll get more comfortable with the idea of paddling glass all the time (although shallow rocky NY rivers and creeking aren't really the best places for them, big water would be more suitable)....I still don't think I'd run Taylorville on the Beaver in glass though :o