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Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:06 pm
by Steve Frazier
Ok, the system answered my question. Sorry you had to read these two posts.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:23 pm
by Steve Frazier
Hi everyone!
I am only now entereing this forum, so please excuse me if you have already seen some of the material before from another source.
I have been trying to generate interest in the '04 nationals from my own personal (very small) e-mail list. The list only contains about 30 names, so this should "get the message out" to a lot more people.
My focus so far has been trying to generate more participation in the event by informing folks about who is planning on attending. I am hoping if someone sees that a few folks from their "neighborhood" are coming, they may want to come as well. Or maybe you see that, for instance, Kaz is driving from NH and maybe you can talk him into taking your boat so you can fly. I just figured that the more information that is out there, the better. Hopefully this inforation will help you decide to come and enjoy a great event.
I sent out a long note to my short list at the beginning of the year and would liket o re-post it here at this time. Naturally if you have read itr before, you will not want to waste your time now. Here it is.
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all well and keeping your paddles wet.
I am writing you all in regards to the National Open Canoe Slalom Races in July 2004 on the Klamath River in Northern CA.
As most of you know, I have been a big supporter of this race and venue. I am going to try my best to do a little organizing and to encourage folks to make an attempt to attend.
Amy and I are going to attempt to go. We both definitely want to, but her knee is probably going to be an issue and she may need another surgery.
Assuming she can make it, we are going to take her truck out there and are willing to pull a trailer full of canoes so some other folks can fly. If demand for this is high, maybe we can organize two trailers and another pair of drivers. We will see on that one.
If Amy can't make it, I will be looking for some one else to drive out with. The bottom line here is I'm going.
If you are interested in either having your boat(s) taken out there, driving a vehicle, or donating a trailer, please let me know.
When the possibility of having the races in CA this year came up, I noticed a lot of people wrote it off immediately. I would like those people to reconsider.
For us here on the east coast, it is a really long drive. 2700 miles from Atlanta, for instance. For me and a determined driving partner, that is two days driving straight through and you are there. If you like to take breaks for sleep, it is three days.
If you want to fly, let me know and I will organize a group that can possibly land at the nearest airport (San Francisco?) and rent a vehicle together. Or possibly we can arrange to come get you if it is practical.
I would like for people to consider making this a vacation, with the race being only a part. You are going to go on vacation this year anyway, aren't you? It is a long way for east coasters, so we need to make it worth it, right? Northern CA is an amazing place.The Red Wood Forest, Mount Shasta, The Pacific Ocean and more rivers than you can paddle in one vacation are all within two hours of the race sight.
If enough people are involved to split costs, such as rental vehicles, and if airline tickets are researched and purchased in advance, I think this would be a very rewarding vacation at a reasonable price.
If you are even slightly interested in going, or even if you want to hear more, please let me know. I figure the most difficult part of this is going to be finding trailers and folks who want to drive, so please let me know if you can help in either one of these areas.
If you notice someone I have left off the list here, please pass this on to them and copy me, so I can add there name to the list. I would love to build up a list of slalom racers for occasions such as this.
Also, if you get tired of hearing about this, please let me know. I will delete you from the list.
I will send out another message after a few weeks to let everyone know how this is going. In the mean time, I would like to encourage everyone to look into the possibility of coming to CA. It would only take a few minutes to check airfares on line. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Finally I would like to mention one more thing. I have "hear through the grapevine" that some people have already decided that since they can't/won't make it to the Nationals this year, they are going to Southeasterns instead and are trying to talk other people into doing the same. I would like to urge you to consider want that could end up doing. Having a poor showing at the Klamath would really hurt us in regards to issues like sponsors and donations (prizes for instance). We can ill afford this is our sport, which is suffering a lull in new participants.
I'm not trying to tell folks what to do with their vacation time here. I am just concerned we may have fewer participants at the Nationals because some people are trying to make the Southeasterns a reunion. Actually, a good solution might be to do both!
Unfortunately, I am not all that well connected with e-mail address at this point. The list of recipients for this message is about 20 people.
Also, if you know anyone else that wouyld be interested in this, please pass this message on.
Let's try to have a big turnout at the Klamath!
SYOTR, Steve Frazier

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 2:30 pm
by Steve Frazier
Here is the update I sent out a week or so ago. It contains a few people's plans. I thought it might help folks looking for a carpool, boat transport, etc. This will be the last bit of "old news" I will post. Thanks.

I thought it might be a good idea to get everyone a quick update on what everyone is thinking/planning.
By sending this out now, I am hoping this gives people more time to plan carpools, boat transport, plane tickets, etc.
Ruth Jaeger is trying to work it out to fly out, but she isn't sure yet.
Nikki and Slade Smathers seem pretty sure they will fly out. They will need their boats transported to CA.
Pete Steffes is going to try and fly out.
Jeff Oxendine is going to go out "with a group". He is also willing to have a warm up race the weekend before and is willing to have folks crash at his place in Denver on there way to CA. Thanks for that Jeff! I may take you up on that myself.
John Kaz is coming from NH and bringing one, possibly two people with him. He will be pulling a trailer.
Dan House and Sharon are going to be in the Tahoe area the two weeks before and will most likely be there. Will probably borrow boats from locals.
Mary Ryan is coming from KS and may or may not bring her kayaking husband. She want to leave on about June 24 and come back on July 16 or 17.
David Simpson is thinking about flying out and will need to put his boat on the trailer. MJ can't make it due to work, but I am still thinking about a good plan to kidnap her!
Carolyn Peterson is coming from TX. Leaving by car on June 29 and will paddle in CA or CO before the races. She is flying to Japan immediately after the races on July 11 and will return on July 26 and drive home from there. She is open to a carpool with someone with a similar schedule.
I am going even if I have to drive by myself. Naturally, I am hoping to go with Amy, but that may be up in the air. She will be having knee surgery today. If she can't go, I will be looking for someone to ride with.
Also, I will have an Ocoee and will lend it to people who need it. Carolyn has also offered her Phantom. says it is 331 miles and 5 hrs. and 34 minutes from Sacramento airport, which is apparently the best place to fly into.
It was suggested by some one that you could fly into Medford, OR, which is apparently about two hours and 104 miles to Happy Camp, but will require another plane ticket which is apparently pretty expensive, but may be worth looking into.
I still need to find a trailer, especially now that it seems we have enough demand to justify it. If you know anyone with a trailer that they would lend us, please let me know. I am really trying to avoid renting one.
Also, please pass this on to anyone who may be interested in going. I would like very much to expand the reach of these messages.
I hope this helps. More will come later.

Also, Bill W from WI is going to try to come out to CA for a month or so with his wife to paddle and sight see. Naturally if this happens, maybe some of you WI forks can talk him into (or bribe him into) bringing your boats so you can fly.

going to nationals

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2004 10:56 pm
by maryfromkansas
After reading Kalifornia Kid's post about the salmon dinner and neon light paddling and 65 degree water, I can't wait to go. I just wish he would do something about the projected 100 degree day time temperature.

My husband refuses to make the long drive to California, so I am trying to find someone to drag along. My original plans were to stop in Colorado and do some paddling before heading further west. If Jeff Oxenberg is going to have an event up in Golden the week before the nationals, I would be interested in stopping there. I am pretty flexible on my schedule since I have about 3 weeks to make this trip. I do need to visit some relatives up near Portland before heading home and another paddling friend up in that vicinity, but other than that, I have no commitments. I really don't want to make this trip by myself. There is a female boater in St. Louis I am going to talk to about going.

Glad there is a forum to keep up-to-date on what's happening.



Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 6:59 pm
by Alden
Hey everyone,

Forget driving or taking a plane -- I am planning to PADDLE from Vermont to Cali. Anyone want to join me? Shall we go cross-country by rivers, or take the long, scenic way around??


event sounds like a great time though


Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2004 7:35 pm
by Kalifornia_Kid
HEY YA"LL! Kalifornia Kid again,

Sorry about my abscence there. I was out and about for the last few days with my band, no time for email. Anyway, I just got done talking with the owner of Esquif canoes, and wants very much to help sponsor the event. I've only talked to him on the phone, but he seems like a really cool guy. Not only is he going to donate a canoe as a grand prize at the 04 Nats, but he is going to have his two reps bring out between 10 and 12 canoes, both solos and tandems, so that if there is anyone out there who can't find a ride for his boat, no worries, because they're going to be up for everyone to use. That's right people, if you can't find a ride for your boat, just bring your jacket, helmet, and paddle, there will be boats available for you to use. Again, if you can just get your boat shipped to Redding, I'll make sure that it gets to the Race Site.

And not only that, Esquif offered to buy the beer for Saturday Night!!! ROCK ON! (He must not know how much beer open boaters can drink)

Incidentally, Steve is right about Nor CAL, there are a lot of things to do out here. Mountain Climbing, biking, hiking, lots and lots of waterfalls, and indeed, lots and lots of rivers to paddle, the redwoods, and just a few hours from the race site is Crescent City, which was voted to be one of the top ten surfing spots in North America. For those who might like to kick a little ocean surfing. Or you can go gold mining if you want, actually, there are more things to do than it would be sensible for me to list. Well, here's hoping I see all of you there.

PS, yeah, it might be 95, but at least its a dry heat! Hahahaha! What did you expect for Cali in July?

Kalifornia Kid


Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 2:52 am
by NZMatt
Awesome! Jacques of Esquif is a really cool guy! He donated a boat at last years race too....oh and he knows how much open boaters can drink....have you ever been to a paddling festival in Quebec (e.g. Gatineau fest)? Tons of open boaters, lots of strong beer and they drink it like water (reminds me of New Zealanders :) )

If I am still around, then I'll be coming and hopefully Jo will too, but it depends on job type issues and where we're living next (post-graduation).

Cheers y'all


Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 4:16 am
by Craig Smerda
Jaques made our event extra special last year by giving away a boat that went all the way back to Japan! And he also knows how muh beer get's drank at this event (LOTS) So congrat's to anyone going.... a one in ?? chance to win a free canoe. This race is so special it's going to be hard not to go... maybe my wife doesn't really need carpet or a front door in the new house... I hate the thought of missing it! I also just watched the video Bob Fries did of last years race (see other post) and it brought back all those feelings again. Thanks again everyone and anyone involved in this event future and past... it is so special


How do you get a copy of the video from last year's national

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2004 7:22 am
by maryfromkansas
How do you get a copy of the video from last year's nationals? I lost the address of the guy named Bob from Colorado who was making the videos. If someone can forward it to me, I would be very appreciative.

Jacques efforts last year at Nationals did not go in vain. I ended up buying an Esquif Zoom and just finished outfitting it. Haven't had it on a river yet, but am looking forward to my first outing, hopefully, soon. Oddly enough, I did not demo it at Wausau but tried out Wayne Dickerts Zoom on the Nantahala in October. I like the way it rolls in the pool so hopefully, it will be a breeze on the river.

2003 Nationals DVD

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:47 am
by Remoteproductions
Thank you for all of the recent response that I have received on the National's DVD. I had a wonderful time this past summer and became a better paddler. The DVD is available for $15 + $5 shipping. Checks should be made out to Remote Productions PO Box 1140 Georgetown, CO 80444. Looking forward to seeing all of you in CA. Bob Fries

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2004 9:17 pm
by Guest
Just posting to bring the thread up from the neverworld so my good buddy Roy Hunter can find it and read on. Roy has apparently spent alot of his winter training for this race in Argentina and other exotic South American locales. Perhaps when he reads this he could entertain us with a couple of stories of his jouney. What a long strange trip its been.

Southeastern Slalom Races at NOC

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:01 pm
by mjk
The race information and entry forms of the Southeastern Slalom races at NOC are available. The two-day race is May 1-2. If anyone would like a copy, just drop me an email at and I will send it to you straight-away.
Consider it a great warm-up for Nationals... plus all that southern hospitality!

2004 OCS Nationals

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 4:07 pm
by Easterner
I guess the race ain't gona happen. Check out the OCS National Web Site at:

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 5:27 pm
by NEOC Slalom Rules
As the New England Rep for the Open Canoe Slalom Committee, I have been informed by our chairs that Rob and his family have withdrawn their bid to host the Nationals. The decision did not come easy for them. Time involved, permit issues and requirements and other reasons all taken together put too much of a strain on a small family business that had the best of intentions in hosting the Nationals. I would like to thank Rob for the year of effort he and his family put into organizing the race. I am sorry it did not work out and I know Rob is also. He has invested tremendous amount of time and effort up to this point as evidenced by his time on this forum and the content of his offerings.
We are now looking for an alternate site to host the Nationals. Our rules ask us to 1st look at sites that have hosted over the past 10 years and see if those associated with those venues might be able to host the race on a short notice. Our chairs are currently making calls and soliciting bids to see if this can happen. The ACA Open Canoe Slalom Committee forum is beginning to be used again. I would encourage those who wish to follow this discourse to visit the ACA site, and to join the forum and the committee. As I have in the past, I will continue to keep members of the C1B1 tribe informed of what is going on. Please pass onto your fellow Open boaters who might be planning to attend Nationals that the race will be rescheduled for another site. We will be trying to keep it in the same time frame if possible and will inform you all both here on this board and on other sites as soon as new arrangements have been made. Again Rob, thank you for your efforts. It wasn't for your lack of effort that this fell through. I hope that in the future we will race on the Upper Savage Rapid of the Middle Klamath and lose sleep at night in fear of a visit from Sasquatch. I believe the Kalifornia Kid has a few Sasquatch genes in him, as well as Karuk humor. And I'm going to miss drinking great California microbrews.

Pat Cleary
New England's Open Canoe Slalom Committee Representative

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 1:56 pm
by NEOC Slalom Rules
This morning I received e-mail from the ACA Open Canoe Slalom Committee forum from our national chairs. A potential alternative site is in the works. If everything can be worked out, it may be held in Montana. Again, this is preliminary but very hopeful. A big thanks to all of those working on this. Details will follow if this can be finalized. Let us all cross our fingers.


PS The ACA Open Canoe Slalom Committee forum is up and running but I received many duplicate messages. Still some bugs to work out apparently. You can access to join it through the racing/events button on the left of the home page here at Its a forum that e-mails all submissions to all who sign up and thus works a bit differently than this forum.