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Know 3/4

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 6:56 pm
by debzvt
I know three of them. Tony was really cool about loaning out his solo ww canoe so I could give it a try (before that I had only been in tandem for the novice whitewater clinic) - I loved it and haven't done much tandem since, except for river camping trips. Solo certainly helps keep the peace with respect to my canoe/life partner. I have paddled quite a bit with both Ray & Pat - even twice so far this year. They are really great about taking Isaac & me out on easier stuff - we have learned so much from them already. Ray even has Isaac & me interested in giving slalom a try - could be interesting as we each only have one season in whitewater canoes.

-- Deb

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 3:01 am
by kenneth
Well, whichever date is chosen, if [Sir] Adam is going then there's a good chance I'll make the drive with him - that is, of course, assuming there's not a boat in the passenger seat!
Would it be too insulting to the spirit if I was in a ducky? Seriously though, I just had knee surgery and feel like playing the "gimp card". :)
Road trip!

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 3:18 am
by Mike W.