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Oh large steaming pile of dog doo my Lawyer is an open boater, other one is a Kayaker

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 2:37 pm
by Louie
I don't know if my immigration lawyer paddles or not never ask her. I will be askin the open boat lawyer to come but don't worry about gettin sued he ain't that good, I think he is dooley lawyer too.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:27 pm
by Al Greve
Don't be to hard on them, they're Americans :wink: its the American way.... kidding !!!!! :lol: No body has to worry about me and my family but me! Liz knew the risk as she followed me down the mountain...... I would never give it a second thought, the risk was our's.... now I have to cook, clean house and do the shopping, sucks to be me! :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:48 am
by Detonator Function
I think for this kind of thing you should take a little less serious outlook. It's a get together, and that's what all boating probably should be: boating with old friends and making new ones. If you have been in the sport for any reasonable amount of time then you are most likely aware of the risk. The problem I have with talking about the risk exclusively is that it gives the entire sport a negative connotation, even though we know it's much more positive. In other words, cheer up... everyone will do their best not to endanger themselves or others.

I think we can have fun and get some things accomplished too

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 8:18 pm
by boatbuster
I'm looking forward to paddling and meeting some of the other OC1 and C1 paddlers from all around. There are some key issues facing our sport though that would be good to discuss, informally or not. The main ones I see involve promoting canoeing as an alternative to kayaking, and getting more companies designing and manufacturing boats. How-to clinics on repair issues are great too and I would certainly be willing to discuss the intricacies of building bulkheads or the best materials for preparing ABS. Let's all have a good time, share our sport and keep it light.

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 8:07 pm
by kneeler
Are the dates finalized yet? I need to request the time off from work.

How many would pay five dollar

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 1:41 am
by Louie
for six home made tamales. Mexican lady down the street make them and I told her to make sure she come by the hall during the event. Has any one talk to Milt about DVD and VCR for the event?

Is Milt making the tamales? I'd buy some.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:45 am
by ChrisKelly

I'll be there-

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 1:10 am
by bdollar
I'm up for paddling and down against winter at this point. May have to miss the first weekend due to stupid continuing ed. Whatever you do, don't sue the broke dude riding with the retired judge, cause that's me, and you won't get nothin, or there won't be nothin.

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:57 am
by Taniwha
I am thinking of making this C-meeting a little bit more 'international' and joining you from Germany. I always wanted to paddle in the Eastern States, so this would be a great opportunity. But before I book a flight I've got some questions:

1. Is there a boat for me? I understand, that there are some boats for demoing, but I don't want to fight any of you guys every morning for one of these (or being up at the crack of dawn for picking one after a long night around the fire...). If there would be a boat that I could see as "my own", that would be brilliant. Any OC would be fine, any C1 would be a question of outfitting and dimensions (being 6.4 and around 190). I will bring everything else for paddling.

2. The budget would allow for a rental car, but if someone heads up from Atlanta I would be willing to share petrol costs. I plan to arrive on March 9th during the day and would have to be back at Atlanta Airport on Monday, 19th, lunchtime.
I'm not sure whether the rental car would allow roof racks, so there's probably no chance of offering a lift from Atlanta for someone who brings his/her own boat.

3. The same concerns shuttling to/from the rivers. If I rent a car, shuttling people would be not a question, shuttling gear not possible. That's a thing we can work out from day to day, I think.

I appreciate any help and offers. I'm looking forward to meeting you guys.

Mister Taniwa,

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:33 pm
by ChrisKelly
I think shuttles will not be a problem. Nor will boats. I am bringing 2. Louie has 2 dozen.

I must say though that the very best auto for a shuttle is a rental car. It will go anywhere. Chris Kelly

We got all kinds of boats

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 12:58 am
by Louie
pick out what you want and you can have it the whole time your here


Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:26 pm
by Jon
Ok. This is getting serious now. It's currently -10F outside, snowing and blowing, and I've put my credit card down for a room. Apparently they already have 3 or 4 others staying as well.

Betty Pearce
> Director of Sales
> Comfort Inn
> 150 Interchange Park Lane
> Lenoir City, TN. 37772
> 865-988-8880
She has a special rate package for attendees.

Look for a salt encrusted beige Accord with a yellow Nexus and a red Phantom clinging to the roof driven by two very tired antiques.
See y'all there, eh?
Dian & Jon


Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 5:07 pm
by ssnvet637
Can anyone recommend a book that covers the whitewater runs in this area? It would be neat to get one and preview some of the runs.

Thanks, Jon

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:20 pm
by Gail R
Thanks a million for that info Chris, sorry if it sounded like a whine....more like Mother's concern

if I could trouble you for one more piece of info (google maps don't show these fabulous rivers).... is Pigeon forge between Lenoir and most of the rivers or am I going away from it?

We have to make an ememrgency plan B and are looking at Cabins.

Re. guidebooks for East Tenn.

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:59 pm
by boatbuster
Can anyone recommend a book that covers the whitewater runs in this area? It would be neat to get one and preview some of the runs?

Check out Monte Smith's book on the Obed Emory system (Cumberland plateau) His book Southeastern Whitewater also includes a lot of East Tenn. streams. Pray for rain as it makes all the difference in this area.