Oh, really?????
I had never thought, it would be a good idea not to swim, to stay in the boat and maybe roll, really!!! I had thought, the sense of paddling is taking a swim in whitewater!You really opened my mind, thanks!
to be serious: trying not to capsize or trying a roll if the canoe flips over, is what everyone does. But it is a fact that sometimes a swim happens though. Often, rolling does not work, what ever the reason might be.
Maybe you are such a pro boater who never swims. But I presume that the majority of the paddlers, especially the ones just joined in this sport, are not! (And: I have seen even very good paddlers swim.)
In this case some like to know how to avoid injuries when being forced to a swim.
your pretty advice is definitely NOT useful!
Happy swimming/rolling /paddling!