[POLL] What do you perceive as "dangerous"

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

Moderators: kenneth, sbroam, TheKrikkitWars, Mike W., Sir Adam, KNeal, PAC, adamin

Which of these "extreme" sports do you percieve to be the LEAST crazy?

Poll ended at Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:52 am

#1 Skydiving... aka Jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft and pulling your chute later than "normal"
#2 Surfing... but guess what duuuuude... it's on Jaws in Hawaii
No votes
#3 Skiing or Snowboarding... hey man!!! Look out for that avalanche chasing you down the hill!!!
#4 Riding a Motorcycle... those people down there look like ants?
No votes
#5 Riding your bicycle... what's a little crash at over 105 mph right?
#6 Visiting a Petting Zoo with friends... hey Phil... why am I the only one in the group with a red tshirt on today?
#7 Sailing... of course those are rocks down there... which wax sticks the least today?
#8 Pretending you are Wile E. Coyote... is there actually a limit on this ACME credit card?
#9 Thinking gravity does not affect you... I'm going to jump... seriously folks!!!
#10 Spending a lazy day on a peaceful river... what's that noise?
Total votes: 23

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all good.......

Post by bigspencer07 »

The poll & clips was/were sound Craig, but one more to add...I think if anyone, besides myself, has driven in Massachusetts...."Surviving the onslaught of over-drugged, testosterone-laden Massholes on the road" ...may be kinda long, but just as scary as any of the listed perceived...

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Post by CFriik »

Craig Smerda wrote:Yeah... not getting your significant other a V.D. gift is dangerous...
true, but you still dont want to give your significant other VD anytime.
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Post by bamaboater »

sorry craig, i guess add squirrell suit flying men to #8.

the extreme downhill mtnbike is hilarious. when the bike snaps in two and the helmet goes.....sorry, i'm being insensitive. i hope he, haha, lives to ride downhill that fast out of control again.
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Post by msims »

Craig Smerda wrote: Yeah... not getting your significant other a V.D. gift is dangerous... just not sure we should call it a sport.
Isnt giving your spouse the gift of VD dangerous?? Although I suppose a side effect to Venerial Disease might be bigger nuts. :o
-- Cya
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The Most Dangerous Thing to Mental Health

Post by Ed Eout »

Looks like all of those thing are a dang good antidote for the good soul crushing involved in the daily commute and sitting in a windowless cube 40 hours a week. Now that's crazy!
have fun or go home!
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Post by philcanoe »

Heard the story of 3(little) bears....you scared ?

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