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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:54 pm
by Craig Smerda
philcanoe wrote:...but should we really attempt to make everyone paddle the same.
no... it's quite often subtle nuances that need to be adjusted and as long as the fundamental skills and proper "basic" techniques are there to begin with it shouldn't really be too big of a debate.

let's collectively try one at random...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:26 pm
by sbroam
Really now, Craig, is this just a ploy for you to use YouTube even more?

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 3:30 pm
by Craig Smerda
sbroam wrote:Really now, Craig, is this just a ploy for you to use YouTube even more?
no... it isn't.

feel free to put the video up anywhere folks can see it without having to "register" to view it.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:00 pm
by Alden
I love that clip! Hold onto your T-grip!

Look, I just want a Youtube rolling video that begins with (in the voice of Troy McClure):

"Hi, I'm Craig Smerda. You may know me as 'Decker' from the Boatertalk Liquid Lounge, but today I'll be your rolling instructor."


Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:21 pm
by Craig Smerda
Alden wrote:Hold onto your T-grip!
she'd have to have arms 8-9 feet long or a 32" paddle to do that... the water was only about 10" deep right there... but i bet she could've rolled it if she wanted to. :D

btw... my roll is by no means "textbook"... yet it's highly effective

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:41 pm
by philcanoe
i'll start here....


breathe... you must you must breathe.... No - with your mouth shut

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:12 pm
by Craig Smerda
philcanoe wrote:Image
this kind of stuff doesn't come easy to me and my people Phil... gimme a break would you? :cry:


Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:34 pm
by Paddle Power
Didn't Paul M offer such a service a couple of years ago? Send video and he'd overlay suggestions, vectors, etc.

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 8:32 pm
by Craig Smerda
In regards to rolling

What some folks refer to as a roll when they fall over on their onside is really a brace or righting yourself in my opinion

I consider it a roll when you fall over to your offside, you get into the setup position and then right yourself back up.

Once you can brace yourself back up or right yourself back up from your onside with regularity you need to immediately start practicing falling over to your offside and going from flipped over to set-up to righting yourself as quickly as possibe. Seldom do c-boaters flip completely over on their onside if they have a good brace... so let's stop calling falling over on your onside a roll any longer if we can.

The trick is to quickly figure out the transition from "o crap i flipped over" :o to the righting position for most people. Speaking personally... once I got myself past figuring out the transition it was all cake from there. I made myself practice all of my rolls from the offside after this point.

(Of course I realize most of us don't have access to underwater capable video camera's but from above on the edge of a pool most of us can usually spot where the troubles lie.)

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:18 am
by philcanoe
Let's see if now....

if the boat's upside down, and it gets flipped back upright, it's not necessarily a roll... OK.... so does this also mean all my swims, on that side aren't swims either? too extrapolate, using this description - those few offside rolls, must not of counted either... because the blade was also on that side of the boat... mentally I can frame this somehow, but me bruised arse begs to differ!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:49 am
by Craig Smerda
philcanoe wrote:Let's see if now....

if the boat's upside down, and it gets flipped back upright, it's not necessarily a roll... OK.... so does this also mean all my swims, on that side aren't swims either? too extrapolate, using this description - those few offside rolls, must not of counted either... because the blade was also on that side of the boat... mentally I can frame this somehow, but me bruised arse begs to differ!
let's not get mired down by semantics about this Phil... but of course i realize you folks in 'Bama are a little slow on the uptake :lol: (j/k)

i'm attempting to get folks to realize that their low or high brace and a righting brace or righting pry are the common stumbling steps to getting up and back over in regards to most peoples roll from my vantage point.

i see a lot of folks get about halfway up... then something happens and they end up flopping right back over... on their "on" side???

once these steps have been overcome and are second nature the rest of the roll seems to happen more naturally and people are usually ready to get to the next stage... which is going offside, setting up and rolling back up on their "on"side.

also... if you flip over on your "on" side it's highly unlikely that you are truly going to go into a full roll set up to get back to the surface or right yourself... you'll be doing some variation of a brace or righting move which is in fact the last two finishing stages of the roll.

get it? :wink:

the opinions expressed on this thread are purely those of the people posting them

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:04 am
by yarnellboat

So, what if you're paddling offside when you flip to your onside - is it a roll then?

Or what if you paddle on one side, but roll on the other, so when you flip to your onside, you have to switch hands and rool up on the other onside - how 'bout then?

Just kiidin. I know what you mean, but learning to "righting-brace-roll" on your onside is a good first step. I call it 'rolling'. And flipping to your offside and going under the boat to set-up and roll I call 'actually rolling'.

Anyway, good idea to analize video...

Instead of adding to this thread, hopefully people will start new threads with good subject lines.



Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:11 am
by Louie
Dorkey Decker aluded to the fact that Fouled up Phill is an inbread, ignorant, backwoods, reckneck from Alabama ( well that is the way I read it ) I didn't say it or I would have used assinine and flustrated, in there somewhere. Which is pretty ballsy for an cheese head for the frozen northern wasteland who can only paddle three month out of the year and won't leave his state.


I mean what fair for the goose is fair for the gander, NO?

Re: ADMINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:32 am
by Craig Smerda
Louie wrote:Dorkey Decker aluded to the fact that Fouled up Phill is an inbread, ignorant, backwoods, reckneck from Alabama ( well that is the way I read it ) I didn't say it or I would have used assinine and flustrated, in there somewhere. Which is pretty ballsy for an cheese head for the frozen northern wasteland who can only paddle three month out of the year and won't leave his state.


I mean what fair for the goose is fair for the gander, NO?
yes admins... i agree... please delete Louie's post immediately

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 3:49 pm
by Alden
Come on, Smerda! Quit talking trash and give us a rolling video!
