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Re: backpaddling?

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:08 pm
by Mike W.
Longboatin wrote:Dont sweat the backpaddlers, just pass them, or run them over.
In difficult water I tend to paddle faster. I give folks more of a head start to compensate. Once at PSH on the Lower G. a kayaker pulled out of the big eddy on the left just above the big hole right in front of me. It was too late for me to make the eddy & I was on a mission to miss the big hole. I yelled "INCOMING!" & never let up. He looked back to see that pointy 'glass bow bearing down on him & picked up his pace :wink:


Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:10 pm
by AYockey
Thanks everybody. There are some great pointers, but the comments and anecdotes are hilarious. I really wasn't complaining about kayakers in the original post but that part elicited the best responses.

I did find a google book link to EJ's kayaking book on S turns (I can't post the link right now). Would this be easy to correct for one blade or is there another resource I can look into?

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 7:39 pm
by Bob P
Speaking of S-turns, I did a little video...

The S-turn on YouTube