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Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:55 pm
by Louie
Having follow that method nigh on too 40 years. I have determined it is too slow a process: it is time for some shock and awe. Of course if you find yourself with limited number of resources, AKA lack of personal, any method you can use to continue the struggle will be premited. Please be aware should you be capatured the sectary will disavol any knowledge of your activities, we will provide cyinide tables if you so desire, however.

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:50 pm
by TonyB
I find it great to put on the river in small groups, but congregate at the play spots and overwelm the tuperware.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:45 pm
by sbroam
I can't believe I just *discouraged* somebody from paddling a canoe - however, he is a kayaker with no canoe experience who wanted to take his 6 year old daughter down the Nanty. He didn't want to spring for a duckie so was borrowing a canoe (a MR Freedom with air bags). I don't mind *him* getting beat down (and he probably will) but I'd hate to have the girl scarred...

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:12 pm
by jscottl67
Good call on that one, Scott.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:44 pm
by Louie
as usually I am goin to go agin the conventenial wisdom, but come on it is the nanty, except for pattons run and the less and worsser wesser what is the chance of swimmin? also think how cold the kid is goin to get in a death yak on that glacier feed river I know my kid got seven stiches on the river at 6 yr old but he was in his own boat and it was the tellico and he ended up on the US Jr C1 team. Girls are a lot tougher than they use to be. I vote for the canoe of course this is comin from a guy who his puttin his 8 and 12 year old on the nanty this weekend for their third time solo in canoe.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:44 pm
by ezwater
Packs of six.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:55 pm
by jscottl67
Louie wrote:as usually I am goin to go agin the conventenial wisdom, but come on it is the nanty, except for pattons run and the less and worsser wesser what is the chance of swimmin?
yeah, but they're talking about putting a 6 year old in a canoe with a yaker. The 6 yo girl would probably be fine in her own boat, but seriously...would you trust your son at 6 alone in a boat with one of those skirt wearers? :P

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:59 pm
by TonyB
ezwater wrote:Packs of six.
or a good ole fourty! out on the stoop.


we are talking about beer?


Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:13 pm
by sbroam
Louie wrote:...
Well, he's going anyway and says she'll walk Pattons. I've always tried, especially with kids, to make sure the first experience is a good one so they'll know what it *can* be like and they'll want to come back. Cold wet and bruised doesn't discourage some kids, some kids it turns off forever. Heck, I was on crutches for a week after my first Nanty run, but here I am. Then again the fact that I was dating the daughter of the guy who took me down the river might have had something to do with it... Almost 20 years later I've got 3 of the kids hooked and am starting on getting number 4 hooked - she goes out this weekend and probably down the Nanty or Tuck in 2 weeks.

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:25 pm
by jscottl67
I watched (greatly amused) a tandem MR Freedom sink at the end of Pattons about a week ago. Hopefully the person has a clue about canoes and can keep it pointed in the right direction and miss obstacles. Otherwise, she might get to see the swim and back out before she ever gets in the boat ;)

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 8:51 pm
by Louie
Well it is a Kayaker in a real boat so he is with out a douth clueless

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:14 am
by Pierre LaPaddelle
From my experience, you could post signs at the put-in featuring words of more than one syllable. That usually confuses butt-boaterz, and they tend to head off upstream.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 9:52 am
by Longboatin
What would promote our section of the sport, whitewater that is, would be openboaters representing w/ some skills!!! I just dont get all the yak bashing here. The most expert and technically advanced boaters I know, and have seen are in kayaks. Of course, I will agree there are bus loads of pinheads, and weak azz intermediates in kayaks too. However, where are the most expert, technically advanced openboaters? Theyre few and far between. Im sure all assembled theyd fit in a small drybag. The best oc boater in PA, my bud CA, throws down all the tech lines on the upper yough, and there aint another oc in site. So howz bout a little more praticin' and a little less flappin' like some limp floatbags.

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 1:29 am
by Louie
Well my 8 year old took the Teaureau down the Tuck with no mishaps the 12 years was in the Quake and no swims. What really pissed off the NOC guide that day was the fact the seven month old did the whole Tuck trip in the front of the Caption, life jacket but no helmant.
On Sunday the twelve year old did the eight mile nanty trip with out gettin her hair wet until she quit paddling at the last hole of the lesser Wesser to wave at the camera, but it made for great video footage. The seven month old didn't paddle.