This Is A Travasty!

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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Craig Smerda
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Post by Craig Smerda »

the year was 2001... and Eli Helbert had just won the OC1 Class at the Worlds...

There has been talk about taking OC1 paddling out of the worlds what do you think to this idea as an OC1 paddler?

I think that removing OC1 from the worlds is a silly idea. K1 is great...but the variety score introduced a lot more excitement to the game. OC1 also adds excitement...traditionally to see how many of us would swim...but now to see what we will be able to do next. Canoes have been around forever...and there are many outdoor enthusiasts who equate themselves with the canoers more than the kayakers...why alienate the audience?

So what made you take up OC1 and not say C1 or squirt?

I do still paddle C-1 and I am using squirt C-1 as a training tool. I feel that squirt boats and open boats are closer relations than most people think. It's true that you don't flatwater cartwheel in canoes...but when you are completely full of water...every bit of current affects your handling. I ended up competing in Open Canoes because they are the most fun. I enjoy Open Canoeing for the challenge, the camraderie you enjoy paddling with other canoeists, and the thrill that I feel whenever I get tossed high out of the water!

Do you think that the gap between traditional and specialist is getting wider as some people don't class them as open boats any more?

It's a funny thing...we look at the boats and see even more improvements that we want to make to the new canoes. To's just a step along the evolutionary path that hasn't been trod in years. Canoe designs have been is inspirational to watch as we adapt now. Some people object to the new canoes. In truth, we probably skipped a few designs that would have otherwise allowed us to evolve slowly. However, there are some new designs out this year which are trying to connect the traditional and the new-school designs. We need to link the traditional canoe with the freedom and play capabilities of the new canoes! I feel (after talking with a number of open boaters) that we are now on the verge of being accepted. For years, canoeists have been called stubborn or purists...typically in their 30's or older. We haven't had any changes that would bring in a new generation of boaters. Today, we have kayakers switching over to canoes. We have some younger canoeists excited because they can paddle a boat that is more to their size! Canoes have a chance! There is a push at the international level to eliminate Canoes from the Rodeo Tour. I feel that this would be a tragedy! I look forward to seeing not just a pro class of canoeists, but a novice class that competes in whatever style of canoe they choose!

more at...
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Post by Craig Smerda »

This is the only footage I've been able to find with a Cboater in it... and let me know if you can spot the OC1 footage in it o.k.? :roll:

At least the C1'ers got a few pictures...
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Post by Craig Smerda »

:evil: this just in... "this JUST in.... SUP'ing to replace OC1 at the next Freestyle "Worlds"
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Post by ezwater »

I heard that Air Guitar would be in the next Olympics. :o
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Post by Dooleyoc-1 »

One thing I'd like to add, open canoes do better in holes than on waves. Once you take on a little water it's really easy to flush off of a wave.

It sounds like the next worlds are going to be at a hole. This will be much better for the canoes. Holes are more retentive and therefore you can keep scoring more points even after you've taken water on.

Here's hoping I'm there at the next worlds throwing ends in a hole. Open boating rocks!
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Post by RodeoClown »

Craig Smerda wrote:Hey... where's all the OC1 and C1 Worlds pictures and video footage from practice, prelims, semi's and finals on your site Jeremy... or somewhere? Where's the media campaign man? Of course we all have our best rides in practice so that's why I tossed that out there. :lol:

[sit's patiently... taps his finger] :-?

BTW... we're all still waiting to see some pictures of Jake Aments boat as well. I've heard about it... but apparently no photographic evidence of it exists? C'mon guys... give us something to peek at?
Actually, I think I had my best OC rides in finals, and my best c-1 rides during competition as well. I've got a couple (2) pictures of Jake's boat, but no video. I'm working on editing video from finals now.
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Post by philcanoe »

Hypothetically speaking (just for the arguments sake) at what point does an open canoe stop being one, and become a c1 without a deck?
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Post by ezwater »

Perhaps it ceases to be a canoe if, by removing the float bags, one no longer has room for a labrador retriever? :o
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Speaking of local competition....

Post by Bernie »

Did anyone remember that the Animal Race on the Upper Gauley is in two weeks ( 9/21 ).

Jeremy, Craig, Jay, Norwood, Eli, Dooley, Will, Alden, Warren, Joey, Paul, Longboatin, every c-boater I missed, and all the Canadien c-boaters in town let's fire it up and make it real!

If canoeing is so important take the the time to register and promote what we do!

I do have extra c-1's if you need one.
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Post by Dooleyoc-1 »

Phil, good question. I would say a spanish fly is a canoe but the line gets blurry fast after that.

Bernie, good point! I've never done the gauley race but I'm hoping to this year.

Post by wetnobby »

Well guys i had a tough time at the Worlds...
Thought the Astro was going to be the boat for me...but it was not to great at my local spots!
Physically too small and tippy, sat to deep in the water making entry to the feature a nightmare..especially for a "righty"
The faster and looser boats were the ones that could reliably stick the wave.....all the smaller boats struggled.
Maybe OC1 has found its own self limiting factor...?
Once on the wave i had a couple of good rides, however they were in practice and not competition...

OC1 Freestyle will always be a minority of a minority sport...thats what it is!!
The often talked about demise of OC1 has less to do with the Olympic dream than the elitest attitudes of many of the K1 fraternity....

What i will say is that apart from a small handful of K1 & C1 paddlers the never ending sameness of hundreds of K1 competitors was only broken by the OC1 competition....and boy did the crowd welcome and appreciate was great!!
The applause and cheering was of the level usually reserved for the chosed few...many would do well to remember that!!
As the Frence would say....Vive la difference!!!
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Post by RodeoClown »

Here you go, ladies and gents, a little video action.

OC-1 Freestyle World's finals Video
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Post by Craig Smerda »

RodeoClown wrote:Here you go, ladies and gents, a little video action.

OC-1 Freestyle World's finals Video
Nice video Jeremy... the wave looked fairly fast and flushy when it greened out but pretty decent overall. Catching waves like that one on the fly without eddy access to it aren't the easiest. I bet your glad you had a bigger planing surface with less rocker than BF Gen I eh? :D

So... when are the C1 & Squirt videos coming? :lol:
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Post by Eli »

First, for the record, I paddle Open Canoe Rodeo. Karen Knight paddles Open Canoe Freestyle.

That being said...I believe it was IOC representatives that came to Sort, Spain in 2001 in order to facilitate freestyle rodeo becoming an olympic event. This in large part prompted several countries to begin drug testing (this year was the US's first) and began a push to exhibit a more professional appearance.

The US traditionally has been the largest voice proposing eliminating the Open Canoe from the event. The European Union traditionally disagreed (although with the Olympics on the horizon, that may have changed).

I personally felt insulted, as the defending world champion, to have a loud portion of the US kayak contigent pushing this agenda. I am sorry, Jeremy, that you are now dealing with this (Congratulations, by the way on achieving your goals). I hope that this misguided effort does not succeed, but I acknowledge that kayaks can look more impressive (depending on the feature) least at first glance.

That being said, if the Worlds go to Plattling, I would be tempted to play again. That wave is awesome! You can surf all the way across the river. Pirouettes and clean spins were the norm for the canoes when I was last there (2003). I wish I knew where I put it...somewhere I have video of Frankie surfing there...

Plattling is also the home of Robson. The Germans have a strong tradition of open canoeing at the Worlds (thanks to world champions, Ewe Fisher and Stephan Paetsch and Robson's, Robert Sommers). I would expect the canoe to still be involved in Plattling, but beyond that is anyone's guess.

I agree that we need to get more canoers involved if we are going to successfully argue for the right to play...however, that is difficult. I reached a point in my life where I personally couldn't justify the expense. Part of it is I would rather paddle with other canoers than sit around for a long time watching kayakers try the same move over and over.

I guess I need to start attending the meanwhile, Gauley Race! I'm in!!!
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Post by Craig Smerda »

Eli... what would Floyd Turbo say to all of that? :lol:
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