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Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:26 pm
by gumpy
does this give you the authority to grant marriage licenses? i know of a couple open boaters looking to elope...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:27 pm
by Louie
Yes but the marriages are only reconized in Mexico, just between us girls does this mean you and longboat are finally gettin knoted up

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 7:31 pm
by PincheLocoGringo
Yes, but only on February 30 of alternating years divisible by 49.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:27 pm
by gumpy
in that case louie, longboatin's gonna need a flower girl. you don't have someone in your family you can borrow a skirt from, do you? gonna take me a while to get used to your southern traditions.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:31 pm
by Louie
My oldest son wear a Kilt, if you put it on backward and wear panities does that make it a skirt?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:34 pm
by Cumnock
Nip this...

As I see it, as newly and duly elected chair of the rules committee, I can fill vacancies in the board as I see fit.

Current GDI Board Positions

Jeff and Alex - Co-Presidents

PLG - VP of BS and Chair of the Rules Committee

Louie - Director of Initiations and Social Butterfly...oops...Director

Dan - VP of Logistics

Chris - VP of Appropriations (he's the only one that ever remembers beer)

All other members - Trustees (But through bribery or coercion may replace/create their own spot on the board)
what the _____..... what am I chop liver and if I hear one thing about what I boat...ummmm hmmmmm hellllllloooooooooo

Between Dan, Jeff and Louie I'm next to the oldest in the "club" all the others dropped out due to extrication or attrition : )

Re: I am 50% sorry

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:47 pm
by philcanoe
Louie wrote:Since May these two have boated two or three time a week ( Jell has even seen the formation of his fan club, currently with two member countin himself) but have only used the put in and take outs on only two rivers the Ocoee or the Tellico. Some people ( all of us) felt they were gettin stale, they always had one viginal infection or another which prevented them from goin to the Green, Gauley, Yough, Cheoah, Russell Fork. However Yesterday in an attemp to stave off a no confindence vote in his co-presidency of the GDI. Jeff lead Dan (totelly unbenontesed to Dan) off on an epictrip down the Bald. The only way Jeff was able to pull this off was to park trucks at the nornal Tellico take out and tell Dan that they had done some road work since Friday ( their last trip down Tellico) and we were usin a new put in. Dan was hear to ask at the bottom of all the drops " was that babies"and "where is Hamburger(AKA meatgrinder)". Side note in an effort to position himself for a challanges for election to Jeff current position Alax (swimmin Mexican) did run all the drops, PLG havin no political assperation chose descresion over valver maybe trice. Havin done Dan in anyway Jeff chose to insist that we slow down durin the trip, that we weren't in any hurry. When we got to the take out at 1800 Dan informed us it was his wife birthday and he had to be home before 1900. We told Dan after the 45 minute (one way ) we would get him home as quick as posible.PLG got two roll yesterday with only one swim. Richard pinned under a tree only one time and looked great. I had to go with out a helment so the group woulsdn't think it was too hard of a run. PAt and Adam spend most of the day wonderin what the hades they had gotton into and wishing they had their plastic boats instead of their brages ( profits).

So to Dick and Doopey for usin a new put in, but not a new take out I offer a heartfelt 50% I sorry I called you....what ever it was I called you that you took umbridge too.

P.S. I am glad Dooley and Chad weren't there, they would have boath run the Sucideslide and I wouldn't have liked runnin it with out a helment. Video will be out soon.
let's see now... according 2my math

50percent/divided by two people = 25percent

Seems like someone got slighted, if there was a 50% apology...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:48 pm
by PincheLocoGringo
Sorry I was having trouble deciding on the proper board position for you.

Cumnock - VP of IT

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 8:50 pm
by PincheLocoGringo
Louie has just put in the requisite single vote...

Paige aka Louie's Baby Doctor - Chief Medical Officer for Kayakers

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:37 pm
by Cumnock
Paige aka Louie's Baby Doctor - Chief Medical Officer for Kayakers
as long as she has scripts I'm cool with that :)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:28 pm
by Louie
No 50 % is correct those two are attached to each other so when I insult one I insult both conversely when I appolige to one it counts as two. You math is a little fuzzy, my logic not so much.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:33 pm
by Standingman
Fred welcome, I have confidence in my vote. Although I do have some suggestions. Mark is director of information, for those of you that don't know this. He did put out the only GDI news letter. Dan and Chris should change. Dan's appropriations are more in line with GDI. Thanks Louie for my 25%. 8)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:43 pm
by philcanoe
Nip this...

As I see it, as newly and duly elected chair of the rules committee, I can fill vacancies in the board as I see fit.

Current GDI Board Positions

Jeff and Alex - Co-Presidents

PLG - VP of BS and Chair of the Rules Committee

Louie - Director of Initiations and Social Butterfly...oops...Director

Dan - VP of Logistics

Chris - VP of Appropriations (he's the only one that ever remembers beer)

All other members - Trustees (But through bribery or coercion may replace/create their own spot on the board)
And all this time, I thought Louie was the sectarian...

....and that' most likely leaves historian, for Cumnock.

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:44 pm
by Standingman
One more thing welcome Alex, remember all decisions go through me. It is good to see Jr. members stepping up. 8)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:49 pm
by Louie
That is Sr. Jr member vs Jr. Jr. members.

I will pull the one and only NEWS letter and have it scanned in for the reading enjoyment of the groups.

Jeff you both got a 50% appoligy, but you have to share it, equally.