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Try agin next yr...

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:24 am
by Longboatin
Dont know bout Lengthy, but Im steerin clear of the crowded class 3 minus run. Ill be savin gas money, spendin it on some real good beer, and hangn W.PA r W.VA. Seems to be a base, so all we needs a bit o rain.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:47 pm
by TonyB
thanks for invtng the world gumpy, guess that leaves less room for you, tho the back yard is loaded with acorns so I dont know how good the camping is, and where the women are coming from.

As far as I fgure the inside of the house is full, waiting on final count from Elvis.

By the way if anyone is headng down and has a big boy c-1. Converson or other Id love to give it a try. I paddled a Fluid solo converson and love to compare.
I can let ya try my Ntro or skeeter or ME in return. Id love to try a Taureau, or a prelude as well.

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:01 pm
by jottsee
you are welcome to put your knees in my Taureau if you wish. I am looking forward to saturday

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:05 pm
by gumpy
it doesn't paddle like louie's taureau does it? i'd hate to see tony upsidedown all day

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 4:17 pm
by Jim Michaud

I've got a Sweet Hahn C-1 that I can bring down. I don't think that you're going to find a much bigger "big boy" C-1 than that.


Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 2:06 am
by TonyB
jottse: thanks will a fat guy lke me fit n it?

Jim: awsome! love to try it out, I got a big belly, 38 waiste would I need to chase down a skirt? a kayak skirt wouldnt work would it?

Gumpy: blow it out your ascott, Mcmahn!

oh by the way Gumpys got a detonator and fly that anyone can borrow from him , and his buddy makes really good Lemon chello that Gumpy should have at the take out, (or put in)

but then if we get some rain he's gonna try and chase other local creeks

news flash

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 3:39 pm
by Longboatin
Well, looks as if Lengthy an I will be makin the drive out to the Hikon afta all. Some o the State college contingent are rollin out so we're up for some good party times wid the boys.

And wiv been thinkn, how bout' yins come up and innerduce yourselves, since Lnghty and LB is easy to spot w/ our combined 32' o red canoe, and yins is jus about invisible 2 us in those little spudnues everone paddles.

See youse on the crik...bentshafts in da house...boieee

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:10 pm
by jottsee
I am planning on meeting up with beach and the Maine contingent b/n 8-9 at the put in wherever that is.


Silver Taurus, Orange Taureau
pm me 4 digits

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:29 am
by rcgalwa
Jottsee, its right in the center of Ralph Stover Park.

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:05 am
by gumpy
put-in is at the red bridge. or just follow the steady stream of cars with boats on the roof. bring a couple bucks for the boy scout chilidogs :D

Tohriffic tohday!

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:58 pm
by solo_konoe
Some pix of the 11/7/09 Tohickon release include: gumpy, tonyb and jottsee: ... 755954332/


Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:14 am
by jottsee
Thanks for the pics Kevin.

Had a great Saturday with a great group of boaters. Special thanks to gumpy, tonyb and kevin for showing me the funnest lines and then picking up my pieces.

Hope to do it again sometime,

tons o boats

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:09 pm
by Longboatin
Wowzers, lots o ocs out on the water this past weekend! Good ta see yins all out there, shout out ta gumpy, jc, tony b, the lurkers an everone else I was too drunk to remember meetin. Thnx east coast crew 4 pullin out the fine weather 4 us. And thanks all 4 givin Danger Joel all that luvn over the vgc HD1 he brought down 4 the weekend. He was juiced over all the rockstar attention.
Believe we spyd Mr. Michaud cruisin Sun., but he gave us nary a glance. And nobody tried to show me no lines, so I suppose J.G. was too busy w/ the Harley post to get out an boat.
Hey nice pics so far, I see a L boat an duh HD in one of them. Anybody got any more?
Finally, were da h e l l was fleckbass? Guess he was still shoppin 4 a stick, or scrappin low water. You missd a good time dude, an another run 4 yer lifelist.

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 2:22 am
by Jim Michaud
Sorry Longboatin. I didn't mean to snub you. There were so many C-boats out there that I didn't know who was paddling with who. I sure would have liked to have met you. Maybe at the ALF next year?


not a snub

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:08 am
by Longboatin
No problm - we wuz sittin on the shore when you passd, an we wuz just guessn it wuz u, mind, from remeberin when we saw u on the Upper Yough once. twas an older gentleman in a yellow boat, so mightve not been you at all.