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Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 6:52 pm
by Craig Smerda
The majority of the best paddlers I know have some sort of slalom experience or background... and if memory serves me correctly Mike... your son was a pretty good slalom racer as well wasn't he?

Slalom racing is very much like creek boating... granted it's typically minus the "hair" but you still need to make your lines to succeed... and it's good practice now and then to getting off the main flow and taking lines that aren't just right down the middle of the river bypassing every rock and eddy. Remember... eddies are our friends.


Oh... and "rodeo" helps you learn not to swim out of a hole :lol:

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:31 pm
by Louie
Might be fun to do ain't that fun to watch was what I was sayin.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:04 pm
by TonyB
markzak, if your hot for slalom suport the Penn Relays hosted by Lehigh valley canoe club.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:26 am
by Lengthy
Raven, what's the bitterness towards slalom? Did you get schooled by a racer one day? :cry:
I'm not really into slalom, having only raced once, but you have to give respect to them. It's not easy and some folks are very good. I've learned more from slalom racers, both open boaters and kayakers, than from anyone else. It's a good skill set to have. Slalom boaters are smooth and stylish not flailing through rapids and drops.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:12 am
by yarnellboat
Also, you don't have to be "a slalom boater" to get a lot of trying the gates!

Yeah, I guess there's the died-in-the-wool racers who are really into, and train for, slalom in specialized race boats, but in open boats don't think of "them" (slalom boaters) and "us" (river runners or playboaters)... trying slalom is a great way for weekend-warrior open-boater hacks to have some fun and improve their skills.

Don't beat 'em, join 'em.


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:11 am
by raven3693
No not bitter
It looks fun enough, and i agree a good skill builder
I just had to laugh at the guy throwing the bait out there of making two thousand dollars. Why does he do it? Sure one dude posted he might be able to if he had a year but here it is heading to Feb and no bid. I noted too when i watch i sort of expected more as the long title saids NATIONALS but really its a course for anyone of all skills. Perhaps if they had tougher course with pusher water for the upper skilled and another for the less accomplished in slaloming
I know thats asking a lot for an event for 100 people but still an observation. Hope this reply doesn't come across as bitter its all good ;))
(i almost put an 's" on bids lol) But even if it takes a year to make two thousand WOW thats a lot of time, planning volunteer (friends and family of boaters and boaters) surly selling 50/50 tickets could there or girl guide cookies. During free time i have tried it but in the end i want a river with water in it no offense. Hard to make money too because location matters.
For one racer could afford the gas to go :((. I also liked the comment about slaloming, and rodeo to what they taught him ... but i wonder if its the same guy i saw picture of from a river in UP?
I enjoyed reading all comments had no idea get such response or that it would bring subject back to front page on this forum. Cool
Seems the regulars who have a steady excess to computers bit on everything ... who there no at work SHHHHHH

TOP of the Morning to you all

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:05 pm
by kaz
"THAT GUY" is me, John Kazimierczyk. I'm sorry that you disagree with the fact that an organization can make a couple thousand dollars hosting Slalom Nationals Have you ever organized a major event? It can be done, and it has, many times.
I agree with you on one thing though, this was a good way to bring this topic back to top.
I hope Nationals will be in PA this year, I know the water won't be hard enough for you, but maybe you'll show up so we can meet to say hello.


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:42 pm
by Craig Smerda
kaz wrote:"THAT GUY" is me, John Kazimierczyk.

I've heard of you... "professional-kayaker" right? :lol:

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:19 pm
by Louie
I have never paddled with him but I think he is a canoer, switches hit or sumthin. Phil Colman knows him.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:37 pm
by Alan B
I dare say you might "ramble" more than me... I couldn't quite follow you but I'll go back "an study on it some", like Karl Childers.

Does this remind you of someone else from a few years back?

Hey all,
I was just looking to keep this at the top of the page! Maybe someone will get inspired to submit a bid (bids!).

If you come to a nationals, I will personally bring you coffee and donuts, beer and pretzels, whatever, to the "rest area" half way down the course.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:41 pm
by jscottl67
kaz wrote:Raven,
"THAT GUY" is me, John Kazimierczyk. ......

......I hope Nationals will be in PA this year, I know the water won't be hard enough for you, but maybe you'll show up so we can meet to say hello.


Come on know that your're not REALLY familar with OC slalom are you? ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:12 pm
by Craig Smerda
Alan B wrote:Louie,
If you come to a nationals, I will personally bring you coffee and donuts, beer and pretzels, whatever, to the "rest area" half way down the course.
He's been to a couple of Nationals before... but never raced to my knowledge.

I encourage EVERYONE to come... and to race. It's as much a social event as anything.

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:03 pm
by gk
ACA decide already. I need to plan my summer; I do want to particpate and be humiliated once again.


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:16 pm
by kaz
Slalom is dead. Long live slalom.


Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:27 pm
by 2opnboat1
Kaz has spoken if anyone out there knows the ins and outs of raceing he does. I dont like to race and it is because i am to ADD to train hard and dont like loseing but I wish I could. I have mad respect for the guys who can clean a course, hades I have respect for the guys that can run a course and not feel like there heart is goin to pop. I dont knock racers for a reason and it is not because I think they are cool but because it is hard