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Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:58 am
by Lengthy
The boat has nothing to do with it. We're usually the cheering section on the side of the river takin a break. We've been passed by the same people twice in the same day and never left the break spot where we saw them the first pass. You won't have a problem recognizing us.

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:10 am
by the great gonzo
I am going to miss the Armada this year... :( :( :( ...
Nepal will hopefully make up for it... :D !


Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:32 am
by gumpy
coalbargin wrote:Ya tryin to make sure you get an azz beatin, cuz yill be on classII the following day gimpy?
while i wouldn't say the uy doesn't have that potential, i can count myself fortunate so far. just seems like it's right there to be done, so why not? and yes, it is a long drive for what you call class 2.

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:43 am
by KNeal
the great gonzo wrote:I am going to miss the Armada this year... :( :( :( ...
That's alright. I'll take your Loco to the armada for ya. That's what friends are for, right? :D



Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:51 am
by Mikey B
Well I've snagged the days off from fingers crossed! My oldest graduates this year, so as it gets closer we'll see if it can be a reality :-? Hopefully I'll be able to crash someones campsite?
I'll have the Edge ready to test out by then :D

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:42 pm
by sganarelle
Very possibly I could participate.


Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:58 pm
by PAC
CQUIRT (Friday):
Okay folks lets get this into the drop zone! What do you want to do on Cquirt day? Since there is no way of knowing what the levels will be lets just be postive and shot for the Alleys and adjust as needed.
In the past we have done side trips to Keith Bluckland (who unfortunately is no longer making paddles), PS Composites (boats) and Jim Syders (boats, paddles and downtime). Do we want to do the usual stops? Walt Jepson (polar paddles) might have his shop up and running by then as well.

Meet at the take out at WHAT TIME? Where for dinner... Fox's Pizza?

Thoughts - ASCI, other rivers per the levels?

Please post thoughts so we can contact and set up as needed.

C U there!

C-Squirt Friday

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 7:58 pm
by Big Al
Re C-Squirt Friday

Kneal and I had a great time doing the Cheat Canyon last year and still made it it time for squirtin'.

Depends on levels, of course, but anyone up for doing the same this year?

After all, how many time can u go to CS Composites?

Big Al

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:51 pm
by Mike W.
I wanna sink!

At some point during the trip I need to see Jimi to discuss him making a paddle for me. It may be better for me to try to arrange something w/ him on Thursday or Sunday so I don't hold everyone else up w/ this.

I say we stick w/ Fox's on Saturday. I'll call in advance to warn them. Does anyone remember the owner's name?

I've been skunked twice at ASCI so I think I'll pass on that. I'm open for suggestions for something quick. A loop run on the Lower Yough is the wrong direction for me, but doable with an early start. Brendan, Gunst & I did the Shenendoah on the way home one year, which was ok.

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:56 pm
by PAC
We usually meet at PS Composites since its a good travel mid point to ralley at for many!

In the past some have met earlier and run the LY Loop or in Kneal & Big Al's case they Cheat (when they can figure out the shuttle and not have "pinning" moments).

Water levels will need to be watched of course. I'm pretty much open....

Who is bringing what boats? Any special requests? We'll be missing the Ceemweaver this year (darn you Gonzo). :wink:

Response from Matt at ASCI.... FYI for planning thoughts!
..we will be open from 11am-3:30pm that Sunday

As for Big Al posted...
After all, how many time can u go to CS Composites?
Don't worry about Al he's just bitter that he can't fit into a DT machine! LOL

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:14 pm
by gumpy
PAC wrote: Who is bringing what boats?
hopefully somebody's bringing a l'edge? craig? is this still a possibility? i'd really like to paddle one before i order...

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 3:56 pm
by PAC
More from ASCI...

Matt Taylor from ASCI made the following offer....
How about this – let’s promote Sunday as “C-boat Day at ASCI,” $10 for all day access. Do you think?

Again hours of operation will be 11am-3:30pm that Sunday, May 23rd. Personally I thing this would be a good opertunity to pre-visit the site for this year's 2010 Open Canoe Slalom Nationals & North American Championships to get a taste of the venue.

More info at... ... &Itemid=53

Thoughts on this folks?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 4:18 pm
by Mike W.
That being the case, I'm in for ASCI on Sunday :D

I'm bringing the follwing boats:
Big EZ

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 4:24 pm
by KNeal
Hmmm. That's a very appealing offer made by Matt Taylor. :D I am willing to pay $10 for just a couple of hours on that course (which would be the amount of energy and time I would have that day :( ). I'll check with the boss (wife :wink: ) and see what my time allotment will be for that weekend. For now, I'm up for paddling something Friday then catch up with the cquirters and do the armada on Saturday. Fox's Pizza will be okay, again. As long as Huge promises not to start a fight in his absence! :lol:



Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:14 pm
by Big Al
Any ladies coming? Or just stud muffins?

Princess Leia? Natalie? others?