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Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:07 am
by Craig Smerda
I've gotta tell you... seeing our pack of about 20 canoes of varying shapes sizes and colors on the Upper Gauley on Saturday was really an incredibly special treat... even when "some people" (not open boaters) were doubting it would actually happen. :D

Next time we'll have explain to that unnamed Canadian that running a shuttle means actually picking up the folks at the take-out that were waiting to be picked up. :lol:

It was great weekend and fun to finally put some faces with everyones names... and "usernames"... even that oopsiflipped feller with the funny t-shirt. :P

:cry: Sadly though... there was a fatality on Sunday. It was a very somber day as we paddled down the river and my most sincere thoughts go out to her family, friends and all those involved in the recovery.

Yes Louie... this happened at Iron Curtain (a big rock just downstream on river left) of that one that big wave/hole "sneaks up on you" when you round the corner. Y'all be careful out there... and as David Simpson and Eli told me the first time they took me down the Gauley... assume every rock on that river is undercut.

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:22 am
by Louie
Do you mean that squirly drop on river left I was bitchin about always sneakin up on me? You know the funny think is even after guidin that thing for 14 year and runnin it even longer I still only know the names of the big ones, with customers i would always make up a name for the rapids they ask the name of ,

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:29 am
by Craig Smerda
Louie wrote:Do you mean that squirly drop on river left I was bitchin about always sneakin up on me? You know the funny think is even after guidin that thing for 14 year and runnin it even longer I still only know the names of the big ones, with customers i would always make up a name for the rapids they ask the name of ,
Yup... that's exactly the one.

Just found out there was another one today... ugh!

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:53 am
by PAC
Yes Louie that was me... I guess I just have to head south one of these days to check out the" real you".... even if I have to go past the WV boarder! :wink:

Thanks for refering to me as one of the gentlemen at the table... even if I'm not sure that is an appropriate description! :)

As Criag noted...remember folks... lets be careful out there!

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:25 am
by Craig Smerda

Looks as though some pictures are up from Pillow Rock of the group.

Seen in 9-18-2010 1:00-1:30 & 1:30-2:00

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:03 am
by oopsiflipped
let's keep the death talk in the kiddy pool. i come here to get away from that crap. fwiw, not the undercut that she died on. it was the round boulder upstream which had a tree pinned on it. even once the water was down to 400, she was still underwater, which is why it was drawn down to 200.

on a lighter note, iron curtain is easy to spot. i have a lot less trips on that run than louie, i'm sure, but definitely have a hard time remembering all the names. iron curtain is easy though, it is right before pillow and you will see a large red spot on the tall cliff on river right, hence 'iron curtain.'

i got video of mick and joe at lower mash, but i was in a hurry to catch up with everyone at dinner, so i didn't get a copy of it. a couple of rafts on my trip stopped to help someone who swam upper mash get there gear back, so i put you guys in the raft video. :)

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:49 pm
by dgmonster
So here is a video of my friend doing the seal launch at pillow!


btw he is wearing a fur hat over his helmet!

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:42 pm
by iRolled
Oh, i seen the guy.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:11 pm
by malone
I wish the camera captured his roll bellow VW rock....badass'edness.... 8)

Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:00 am
by Louie
Shawn can you boat Saturday? Doopey is on dope, Alex is doin an event at the nanty, will call Dooley and Matt later but so far it is just Jeff and me and well Chris.