OC Faceoff - Zephyr or Outrage?

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

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the great gonzo
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Post by the great gonzo »

The Outrage is, when ordered with wood gunnels, very light for a 12 ft royalex boat as well. I took the deck plates off mine, the factory ones are too small so serve any purpose apart from cosmetics anyway and weigh almost 2 pounds a piece.
Fully outfitted and ready to paddle with the Mike Yee outfitting system and 2 60" Gaia air bags my boat weighs in at 42 lbs, lighter than many shorter boats.
Shep, can you elaborate on how the Zephyr is now easier to repair than it used to be? What is the new repair process? Just curious.

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Post by Shep »

I don't have any real information. My impression is that things like G-Flex may have made the process easier, and that Esquif came up with a training video and repair kit that they were willing to provide to dealers. I do not know that for a fact though.

Sorry if I got your hopes up... :roll:
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Post by ScenicPaddler »

I just started with solo ww paddling about a year ago and paddle an outrage, wood trim and mike yee outfit, Gaia nylon float bags. My brother also started paddling solo ww last year and paddles a Zephyr, wood trim, esquif standard strap outfit and voyageur float bags. Both canoes weigh about the same, approx 23 kg each completely outfitted. Weight difference is not more than 1 kg (2 lbs) in favour of the Zephyr.

Based on this I would say that the Zephyr does not have any significant weight advantage over the outrage, especially in comparison to the outrage.

Personally I consider the outrage a very stable / comfortable dry boat and within a season already feel comfortable on class 3 ww. Recently I paddled the Zephyr on easy class 2 and felt very uncomfortable... The hard shines felt very "unstable" and unfamiliar - constantly looking for a stabilizing brace... totaly different than the outrage. It took my brother some months (mainly flatwater drills) to get used to the feel of a flat bottom hard shine boat.
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Post by hankrankin »

Shep wrote:
ESP wrote:I needed to do a repair on mine and called Bell for info. The first person I spoke with referred me to a gentleman who I believe is the owner. In the course of the conversation I was informed that only 4 had ever been made and that they still had the mold. So I guess if someone was really interested they could call and ask if Bell would build any new ones. I have no idea if they still have production rites.
When did this phone call happen? Bell is currently for sale, and my impression is that they aren't actively doing business at the moment.

I don't think the outraged makes sense in this conversation, because it is, by definition, a niche market boat. But I would love to see it back in production.

Any idea whats gonna happen with the ocoee mold if bell stops doing business?
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Post by squeakyknee »

After owning both I personally love my Zephyr. It's gotten me down many Class IV runs and been a decent Class II fish and play boat. lighter weight it a plus whether you are hiking up the Upper G takeout trail or walking down a riverside trail for some park and play. Even with my extreme abuse it has held up for 5+ years with only minor repair. My first WW boat was an Outrage X that I picked for $400, paddled it for a year and got frustrated with speed and not being able to roll it.
Traded it for a Nitro at the Nanty GAF after 1st run nailing a roll like it was nothing. Paddled the Nitro for a couple years and the n picked up one of the 1st runs of the Zephyr after demoing it at GAF that year.(Props to Bill Reap and David Sink) Started running bigger stuff that next year with the goal being upper yough/upper Gauley runs. by the next season i was comfortable enough in the Zephyr to enjoy playing nearly everywhere and pulled in a fairly respectable time in the Upper Gauley Animal race.
All in all I would buy another Zephyr ,or maybe a L'edge if i ever find one to demo ;) but would not rule out recommending an Outrage for someone getting into the sport or maybe larger paddlers as the Zephyr seems to top out at 220ish.

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Post by 1blade »

I paddle a Mad River Outrage X and absolutely love this boat. Yes it heavy, especially after installing my bilge pump. But the speed that you can obtain with this boat is unreal. I can leave all my two bladed buddies behind! Its easy to roll, stupid easy! I learned how to roll this boat in less than 40 minutes. You can bang down some creeks, tackle big water or enjoy a simple float trip. It does it all. If it was my decision on the choice of the two, Id definately go with the Mad River.
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