I am hoping to get some footage up for this weekend, this will be followed by a series of free coaching articles. A pay to download coaching video, Sweet Skills, will be available before Christmas.
Ian, I take it you met Claire.. She's also pretty handy with a single blade!
At least on your side of the pond someone knows how to do it. I saw footage of -excuse the evntual missing- of mexico or costa-rica, one of the guides hitting a drop and doing an offside low-brace right after the landing... .
Good concept, worth doing and it is a fair amount of work to haul two boats to the river, plus camera gear and spend the day swanning around on grade 2. It was a day not running some gnarl.
I like the choice of boats too. I am interested in both but there are none in my area "borrow".
Since you are a rep. and I am a customer from my pov I would like to see the same boats on the same wave/eddy/hole from the same camera angle without any focal length changes, keeping the image clean. Each boat gets the same paddle technique.
That is kinda demanding on my part and more work on your part but it fits the intent of doing the video in the first place and gives me better ground to make an apples to apples judgement. Give it another shot with two more different boats.
As far as making videos I find that has it's own steep learning curve, like surfing. You just have to go there and get on it.
did you guys across the pond figure out how to offside brace or somethin
Better than that Tommy, we've found a magic potion that creates stability. Almost eliminating the need to brace...
Is it called "buying a L'edge?
Are you about this weekend Kelvin?
Joshua Kelly - "More George Smiley than James Bond"
CBoats Moderator - Not necessarily representing the CBoats staff though...(I'll use words like "moderator", "We" and "CBoats" to make it clear when I am)
Pat, you are pushing my buttons! I can see your house from here and here you are provoking me over C1B1 out of east USA.
I saw that Maxim! It's on my mind but like you'' I have a hard time with my 210 ibs in a under 10' hull.
I am off to the the local to tune up my roll for the Tamihi 50 slalom after my recent debacle on the Adams. After all I am billed as Rescue, not rescuee.
Whoa whoa whoa - as a sponsored paddler - I gotta disagree w/ it being the paddler... "It's all about the boat"
I agree different boats suit different paddlers and paddling styles, but boats still have to be paddled... Not sure what been a sponsored paddler has to do with it?