Life expectancy of a drysuit

Decked Canoes, Open Canoes, as long as they're canoes!

Moderators: kenneth, sbroam, TheKrikkitWars, Mike W., Sir Adam, KNeal, PAC, adamin

Assuming moderate use, how many years do expect from your drysuit?

Don't know, I only paddle when it's warm, and/or I can't afford a drysuit.
After about 2 seasons I expect ongoing leaks and buy a new suit.
With good care and factory patching my drysuit might keep me pretty dry for up to 4 years, but not much more.
I expect at least 5 good years from a drysuit, easy, but never 10.
With good care and factory patching I should get about 10 years.
A good drysuit never dies, I expect to get about 15 years and then have it replaced under warranty!
Total votes: 29

Larry Horne
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Re: Life expectancy of a drysuit

Post by Larry Horne »

if you know that you'll never wear a spray skirt then the front entry is ok. It's a little less bulky. if theres any chance you might take up c1 in the next ten years then get a meridian.
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Re: Life expectancy of a drysuit

Post by canoewhitewater »

Be careful about the new Stholquist EZ drysuit. Used it twice, the zipper blew out on me twice. It ruined my new years day paddle on the Winni. :oops: I was extremely careful when zipping it up. it separates and is miserable to get back in. It went Back and my new Kokatat Gfer will be in on Tuesday. Everyone I know that has a Kokatat loves them and has had them for years. Kokatat ls also known for great customer service.
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