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OC-1 painters

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 11:48 pm
by vann evans
I have read all of the posts and opinions about painters-here's another opinion about storing them that is completely different.

I use 8' bow and stern painters that float. I attach them through holes drilled into the top of the ABS about 2" below the deck plate. this is the strongest point for attachment

To store them, I loop the the bow painter under the air bag lacing and tie the free end with an easily loosened slip knot to the thwart in front of me . the stern painter is looped under the stern air bag lacing and tied with a slip knot to the thwart behind me on my paddling side.. They are both easily reached in order to jump out of the boat at the shore, to flip to a friend, to pull me in or save me from whatever lurks downstream.(pins, ledges,holes, strainer,etc). Also easily reached for rescue, towing or short throw rope.

This method of tying (with a slip knot)the painter to a thwart has never been a problem coming loose or entangling me. With enough pressure, a slip knot will come loose rather than entangling. I have used the painters many times with great results in helping myself, helping others and in general making life easier.

When I teach, I tell my students NOT to tuck them under the deck plates or use bungee type holders because they are totally inaccessible while still in the boat.

I think that painters can be an important safety line for you or your companions when properly installed, stored and used. They must be instantly accessable but out of the way when not needed.

Vann Evans