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Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:34 pm
by old and in the way
so, can we camp and drink beer at ASCII?

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:42 pm
by adamin
I'm not sure. To me that would be ideal.

There are other campgrounds nearby, though (including the place the Coastal group camped last year I believe), and if I understand the distances correctly our "normal" campground is 30 min or so away.

I'd vote for the closer one if we go ASCI and can't stay right there, though: ... klake.html

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:16 am
by old and in the way
I know in PA state parks, alcohol is prohibited. I could not find any reference to such for MD state parks...

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:58 am
by Sir Adam
I don't see anything either way on the web sites...anyone local know? Perhaps one of the Coastal folks?

Alcohol at MD state parks

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 3:52 am
by jnorto01
As for alcohol at MD state parks I'm not sure of what the official policy is but I have never had a problem although I keep it subtle to be safe. If it is illegal I think most MD park officials look the other way unless you are making an a*s of yourself.

Reposted from my comment on the Armada poll.

What you "non local" guys saw on the Lower Yough last season was not typical for what most people run it at. If the Armada was pushed back into June or July the LY will most likely be running at normal summer flow between 1.9-2.5, which will put it in the low intermediate - intermediate level. If the main event is not going to be on the NB I would vote for this. The ASCI course is "interesting" (ever catch an "upstream edge" on the downstream side of your boat) but I think it would make a better side trip as opposed to the main event. Jim

What I know about ASCI

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:03 pm
by C1Dub
My experience at ASCI last year was that on Saturdays they start in the am (10:00) with Class II. That continued nonstop until 2:00 pm when it changed to Class III for the rest of the day. On Sundays they reversed the order to Class III in the am and Class II in the pm. Last year was the first year in operation so they may change some things for this year. It sounds like they definitely raised the private boater price. That's disappointing. It was $15 for all day last year.

It would definitely be good for boat swapping. When you pay your money you get a race bib that you have to wear while you are on the course. No stickers or anything for your boat so you can take many runs in many different boats. It is a great place for spectating and has many picnic tables and rocks to sit on for lunch. Great place to take pictures. The conveyor belt is cool.

There is one restaurant there but that is a bit pricey for sandwiches and has a small selection. No camping on site. This has to do with Garrett county regulations. I know they were talking about trying to work on that (at least for special events) but not sure what the status is. There is a state park (Deep Creek State Park) and some private campgrounds in the area. No idea what the rules on alcohol are or the costs.

The bar/restaurants in Deep Creek are limited. Some are pricey and some reasonably fair. Food was decent. Oakland isn't too far away (15 minutes) and there are more restaurants there. Don't know what they're like though.

My vote would be for NBP because its more casual and no rafts to dodge. Also cheaper is always a plus.

Anyway that's my 2 cents.

So far I'm available for the May 31-June 1 dates.

Happy paddling,



Lower Yough

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:56 pm
by ohioboater
I'm going to post this here rather than in the poll thread, since the LY is not part of the poll...

Good point about the Yough being more manageable for low intermediate paddlers at summer levels. If recent years' patterns are any indication, it'll be down below 2 ft consistently by May 31.

I definitely prefer the Yough at anything over 1.5 ft to the North Branch; however, thinking back to the days when I was less skilled, the Yough was quite intimidating for me the first few times I ran it. People these days like to downgrade the LY, but I think you need solid class 3 skills to actually have any fun on it.

Last year, I was bank scouting alternate routes at Robin's Nest on the NB and thus had the opportunity to see a steady stream of single bladers run that drop. I just sort of assumed they all were there for the armada, though I suppose some might have been with one of the local clubs. Anyway, I'd say 3/4 of the open boaters I watched ran the far left sneak, and most of them had eyes the size of dinner plates as they went past. Folks like that would not have much fun on the LY at any level...

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:23 pm
by old and in the way
While we're on the topic of the Yough - Let's not discount the Middle Section (doldrums notwithstanding). You can have alot of fun there.

Also - we can camp at Riversport (contingent upon landower permission), and you can easily spend the better part of a day at Ramcat Rapid (right at the camp) playing.