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Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:05 pm
by the great gonzo

I don't think I can offer you a ride, as since the Shaggy guys will most likely be busy whipping the raft guides at RiverRun in shape during that time and therefore most likely not be able to make it, I will be their 'honorary rep' (or something like that ... :lol: ...) and have my roof rack full with demo boats. Plus since I am going down with Scott, you would most likely not appreciate the tight quarters in the jump seat of a Tacoma...
You are however welcome to camp at our site on the campground.

PAC, what are the odds that the Meadow Run will be runnable on Sunday :lol: !?!

martin a.k.a. the great gonzo!

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:17 pm
by PAC
Colin - twist some arms and get some others to come as well! :wink: Then just follow the Tacoma loaded with boats! It should be a good time!

Martin bummer on the Shaggy lads being MIA but we understand (and look forward to taking out thier boats - that means I have dibs on a Sith!!!). 8)

As for Meadow Run - that depends on the weather (rain)! Enjoyed it did ya! I enjoyed your faces on the cascade. Oh and since you are now warmed up and have a few paddling days in I might have some other jewels you might like to view up close and personal!

C ya in May!
Paul C.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:20 pm
by the great gonzo
Yep, the Meadow Run is definitely one of my favorites... 8) ... And running the Cascades without scouting was definitely something of a 'Holy S%#$!! 'kind of experience... :lol: ... I am sure my eyes were the size of saucers as I ran them...
I am starting to pray for water on those hidden gems now!

See ya in May!

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 6:59 pm
by PAC
Its one of my favs too! Particularly in a OC.

You didn't run it got a chance to boat scout it and see a probe lead for you! Its pretty straight forward after the first boof move since your committed and there is no where to hid once gravity takes over!

Beside I figured princess Leah would have locked up if she looked at it after seeing the slides and we were burning daylight!

I had faith in her and her A game after she nailed Terminator on Indian Creek, and true to form she aced it! :-) She also lead the lower section of S-turn so kudos to her and you for nailing a daily double!

Lets shoot for a trifecta or go quadraphonic next time! 8)

I am still coming

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 8:14 pm
by cmnypny
whether it be by myself or with others.

Martin ... no way I could sit my fat butt in the back of a Tacoma but I might take you up on the tenting offer or maybe not pending the comment from Dan. where "Colin snores like a diesal starting in cold weather.".

How much is it for camping?

PAC ... I sent you a PM earlier reference your offer.

My goal is to meet new people, paddle new stuff, and of course take lots of pictures.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:27 am
by Gail R
Hey Collin.... disel or not you're welcome on our site.
So is anybody going early or staying and extra day? Just wondering; Kids would love an excuse to ditch school

anywho.... it is only driving

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:31 am
by Mike W.
Gail R wrote:So is anybody going early or staying and extra day? Just wondering
I'm heading up on Thursday. If anyone is coming up I-95 & wants to park & play at Weldon, we could do that Thursday morning.

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:06 am
by cmnypny
Gail R wrote:Hey Collin.... disel or not you're welcome on our site.
So is anybody going early or staying and extra day? Just wondering; Kids would love an excuse to ditch school

anywho.... it is only driving
cool ... I know the girls love me or at least they like to pick on me!

what were you thinking of being there fri thru monday?

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:30 pm
by the great gonzo
PAC wrote:Its one of my favs too! Particularly in a OC.

You didn't run it got a chance to boat scout it and see a probe lead for you! Its pretty straight forward after the first boof move since your committed and there is no where to hid once gravity takes over!

Beside I figured princess Leah would have locked up if she looked at it after seeing the slides and we were burning daylight!

I had faith in her and her A game after she nailed Terminator on Indian Creek, and true to form she aced it! :-) She also lead the lower section of S-turn so kudos to her and you for nailing a daily double!

Lets shoot for a trifecta or go quadraphonic next time! 8)

I am from Ontario, we usually scout for extended periods of time any rapid that can't be clearly seen top to bottom from the boat or that is class 3 and up... :wink: ... so from that prospective, it was like running it blind... plus it was way steeper than what it looked like from that eddy... and my goggles were fogging p, so I couldn't see anyway... (Yes, making up excuses here... :lol: ...).

I am game for any trifecta or quadraphonic 8) !!

martin a.k.a. the great gonzo!

Re: Come on down....

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:48 pm
by Mike W.
PAC wrote:Friday AM we get up early and will be heading through Ohiopyle (maybe a Loop run) then PS Composites (Accident, MD) then the Cheat Narrows (Albright, WV).
Hope this helps and others please post as well. Paul C.
Hey Paul, are you doing a loop run on Friday morning? If so, let me know what time I need to be there. That was a hoot last year :D

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:19 pm
by KNeal
I'll go ahead and post my intent on being at the Armada and pre-Armada this year. For some reason, having a family has forced me into considering them when I'm wanting to go boat for a weekend. :-? :wink:

I'll be driving up Thursday night, so it'll be a late arrival at the campsite. Thanks for having your site open for me, Mike W., I'll definitely "crash" there. Paddling the Loop is always a good option for me. The shoulder is far better this year, so I doubt I'll be as entertaining as I was last year (flippin' and swimmin' in flatwater :x ). Sorry Mike! :P

It'll be good to see new faces in addition to the mugs I've been accustomed to seeing! :D I'll bring my squashed-stern Atom and Viper. Will bring the Deadline c-2, if anyone wants to tandem a slalom boat with me (stern-lefty). Just tell me if you want to.


Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:20 pm
by the great gonzo

Does that mean that this year you won't bail out when I am trying to take you up on the offer to paddle C2 in the Deadline :wink: :lol: ( I can paddle bow righty)???

martin a.k.a. the great gonzo!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:30 am
by KNeal
You, know. I forgot how I hurt your feelings for not paddling the slalom c-2 boat with you down the Lower Yough Loop at 5+ feet! :o :( :cry:

If the Loop is at a tamer level, do you wanna team up this year? If so, then I'll definitely bring the Deadline. :D


Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:20 am
by the great gonzo
KNeal, that's a definite YES on teaming up to paddle your C2 8) :D !

martin a.k.a. the great gonzo!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:23 pm
by cmnypny
Sounds like a great opportunity for taking pictures of sinking battleships :o