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Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:48 am
by sbroam
A lot less of a party, more family friendly. I always remembered a good flea market, though. I missed last year and heard it lost a little and have heard they moved it to a smaller area this year. And, of course, your river options differ. In addition to the Nat - Ocoee (1 hour), Tuck (30 min?), Little Tenn, etc

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:59 pm
by c1swim
GAF, generally has an excellent used boat sale, with very often; some GREAT bargains from individuals and dealers.

Zeke, I think the Probe series make excellent starter boats, and; depending on your age and ambition even a good career boat.
However, If you ARE considering a career boat, you might be better served by a Probe11 or a Probe12-2.
Just, some food for thought.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:02 pm
by zeke
Sounds like a great festival. Doubt if I'll be able to get away 2 weekends in a row but I'll keep it in mind.

Northern VA

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:52 pm
by Jim P

2 hours north of you. I have a Probe 12 (the old 12II), a Zephyr, an Ocoee on hand. If you can get away, email me at jim(dot)pruitt(at)gmail(dot)com

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:09 pm
by amollohan99
Zeke, I also have a probe in the boat pile out back. I live in Clarke County. The boat isn't mine but I'm sure the owner wouldn't mind you checking it out. You could meet me in Elkton to run the S-doah some day (Easy class 1) try the boat and get some pointers. Good luck.


Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:13 pm
by zeke
Update: I had the opportunity for my first OC-1 experience yesterday thanks to an anonymous "angel" who lent me not only a boat but also his paddle and pump (Thanks!!!). The boat is an old Whitesell
Descender which I took down to Balcony Falls section of the James. Had a blast and was able to keep it upright. Did have some trouble keeping it going in a straight line on the flat water and had to keep switching my paddle from side to side which I'm sure is "bad form". After this experience I'm looking forward to paddling something a bit more maneuverable so I'll try to make contact with some of you all (who have indicated a willingness to share boats) as time allows. In the meantime I'm planning on trying the Descender on the upper New next weekend at G-fest. Thanks again for all of the excellent feedback on this thread.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:54 am
by watrwzrd
I think GAF at NOC is the last weekend in October If I`m not mistaken
and heard there will not be any private booths don`t know why seems that was a big reason for everyone to show, THEY ALSO RUN 1000CFS on Russell Fork that weekend syotr

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:12 am
by sbroam
NOte! GAF got moved to the last weekend of *September* :