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Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:53 pm
by Cumnock
I think that we should run the race in true GDI fashion.
actually I'm starting to wonder what happened to "the club", first we talked we were a club

that's like the mob talking about the keep that hush hush

then we started talking about board members and such

and now the club is talking about racing....UGH

In true GDI fashion it should be "were gonna go to <insert>, you can come if you want"

(Mark shakes his head)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:42 pm
by Louie
Mark it is just the irrational exsuberance of the Jr, Jr, member bein egged on by the Sr. Jr. members. I am sure it is just talk. It is like cat herdin, everyone want to try it till they do.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:46 pm
by Louie
... would that call come from Wisconsin?

... the state the top half didn't want any part of - so it's called Michigan... otherwise they would of called themselves Canadians.

.... north of Ohio, and we all know that's as Yankee as Pennsylvania..

... a something about - evoking the name of Kaz in vain?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:32 pm
by oopsiflipped
when i read 'shoot out at alf' i keep thinking william tell and wondering who gets to wear the apple. i'm sure louie will volunteer me. at least i have my stylish full face :lol:

Aw shucks

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:01 pm
by Longboatin
Aw s hit, The Choeah is on my 16ft "to do" list, Louie. Plus I certainly don't wanna be prematurely wear'n out the longboat on any those LF 1 D runs yins frequent. I havent secured a replacment Kennebec yet.
I was hopin to bridge a bunch o holes :roll:

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:25 pm
by Louie
Man I understand but if the truth be told I wouldn't worry as much about your boat with me in as I would worry about you body in my boat. We know you and Lenghty are just kiddin and we wouldn't want either of you to get hurt down here on harder rivers than what you've done. The step in river alone will be pushin you to the limit as is, we can understand you not wantin to try them in a high proformance boat. Beside I would be bored to tears in those barges of you alls

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 8:53 pm
by philcanoe
Me thinks that just maybe, someone's saying... the other's a wee bit better at posting than paddl'n.

Let's see one has a boat that's way easier to carry, and the other has a boat he's incapable of missing holes in. That doesn't settle anything. One has a 4yr old bent shaft, and the other one just a little bent over... nawh nothing there. One has forgotten more than the others likely been to, just not sure which is which. Sounds like one is more worried about his boat than the other, but haven't seen the bottom of their boats up close. One has older gear, than the other... score one. Other's boat is older.... score even again.... One to one. One's old school - but has a new boat, other has a old boat - but sounds new school (like he thinks he's doing something the other gray-hairs haven't).... still a tie....

Anyone one else decipher anything from this...

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:07 pm
by Cumnock
Anyone one else decipher anything from this...
yeap we need some #$^%^&^& rain!

btw wth is a "pain boater" ?

Er, um

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:11 pm
by Longboatin
Yeah ya never know what can happen on river, so sure as shid I wouldnnt want to be spendn any money on that pos you paddle.

Plus from what Phil say, you cant miss any holes in it.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:32 pm
by Louie
Longboat he is sayin my boat is easy to carry and yours is so hard to steer "YOU" can't miss any holes.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:37 pm
by Louie
Longboater you don't worry about havin to replace my boat, if you want to try it out, just have fun learn sumthin and pretend it was your own. You are welcome to look at any river to see if it has enought water for you to loan me your boat. I wouldn't worry about tryin to replace your boat ( A Kenabeck???? WTF) anyone that has one of those will give it away just to have room for three normal size boats.

Phil I ain't forgot nuthin, I never bother to learn anything. How can you lose what you never had?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:44 pm
by jscottl67
The way I figure it, in their own boats it's going to be a matter of what kind of run it is as to who would fare better...tight and technical or steep drops, Louie's boat - wide open and pushy LB will have the advantage in his boat.

If they do that swapping boats thing, LB is gonna be hurting. First because he probably will get a white water enema on the first big hole that he can't bridge or get enough speed to avoid in the shorter boat. Second because I can't fit in one of the things and I doubt LB is gonna fit in the outfitting either.

I think Louie should have to run the barge with an inflatable recliner or something like that, blindfolded and with a case of beer in the front. That will even it up a bit..Louie will fall out almost as much while trying to get a beer as LB would in the Toro.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:47 pm
by philcanoe
well maybe a little ballast would help... like a case of beer in both boats?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:51 pm
by Louie
I do hereby agree to all the above mention conditions, I do want input on the type of beer none of that heavy, cut it with sissor, fu fu beer. Rollin rock, shiner Bock, Dos Exis, something like that is fine, if it is goin to be cans I want Tecata.

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:55 pm
by jscottl67
philcanoe wrote:well maybe a little ballast would help... like a case of beer in both boats?
Where are u gonna put a case of beer in the Taureau?? Oh...I drink it, then get in the boat ;)