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Re: Midwestern boys

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:21 pm
by Cheeks
Mikey B wrote: Dooley, I still pull out an old Canoesport Journal with an article on Psyco and the Green!
Ahh Canoesport Journal! That's a blast from the past. I have a bunch of old issues lying around my apartment, and all anyone ever comments on is how "interesting" the apparel was back then.

Canoesport Journal

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:26 pm
by Mikey B
Hey, if you ever want to get rid of those old CS Journals let me know! I've lost so many of mine in moves through the years. Loved that mag though...even though it's quite dated now, still interesting stuff.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:30 pm
by ncdavid
Dooleyoc-1 wrote:I would add Psycho to the list. He was a pioneer of open canoe steep creeking and got a lot of exposure for the sport. He was a big inspiration to me and showed me down a lot of runs for the first time. Go watch the old movies Green Summer and Southern Fried Creeking. Classics.
I was at the put-in for the Lower Green one day, getting ready to lead a group of novices down the river. Psycho was at the same parking lot, since it is the takeout for the Narrows. He had a big group of open boats that was setting their shuttle for the Narrows. He didn't know me at all, but took some time to talk to me about boating, boat design, outfitting pointers, etc. Ran into Dooley at the same place once. Same situation, same response (although I think he was more interested in the hot chick who was boating with me). I'd paddle with guys like that anytime.


Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:46 pm
by dcoc1
Bob Foote - Designed many a WW canoe (some of which are still in production). Great instructor. Shepherded more than his fair share of open boaters down the Grand Canyon.

Good to see Jimmy Holcombe's name show up earlier...

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:51 pm
by rockyboater
Another Canadian would be Mike Yee. Great paddler and makes some killer outfitting as well.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:29 am
by Alden
Ray Eaton (pioneer) . . . Charlie Walbridge (safety ambassador) . . . Dean Tomko (pioneer) . . . Serge Corbin (best canoeist ever) . . . John Kaz . . . That Guy Who Made 'The Canoe Movie' . . . Lengthy (for hooking me up with some tasty brews on the UY last year) . . . Joe Jacobi . . . the Hallers . . . the Garvis brothers . . . Richard Fox/Fabien Lefevre (honorary canoeists) . . . Jim Michaud (honorary kayaker) . . . Andy Bridge . . .

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:36 am
by Lengthy
Bill Mason-
Maybe not a racer or a class 5 boater but he made big contributions to the sport by exposing more folks to wilderness canoeing. That's also a huge part of our sport that is overlooked most of the time.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:44 am
by clarion
Burt Reynolds. He may not have been a great canoer. But he probably brought more into the sport than anyone. He talked a smack ... at least to Chubby :wink:

Re: Midwestern boys

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:41 pm
by cadster
Mikey B wrote:Well at the risk of embarrassing them, we have some mighty fine talent from the midwest as well...Roy Crimmins, Dewey Ewers, and Craig Smerda (along with Teal F. and a few others) rank up there too!
Going back in time further for the upper Midwest, Ray McLean and Harry House need to be mentioned. Ray for getting youth into slalom and promoting Costa Rica as a destination. Harry for his time spent as a Hoofer.

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:02 pm
by tennOC
I really like this thread, lot of names I hadn't thought of in a while. I'd like to add Dick Wooten, Bill Mitchum, and Bill Griswold. Pioneers for sure and responsible for introducing countless people into the sport. Dick was always calling kayaks the "trash" boats because of the skirts and the fact that they could haul the trash from lunch without littering the river if they flip (assuming of course they could roll).

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:01 pm
by Yukon
Out in Western Canada some intstructors that have taught thousands

Randy Clement from Rocky Mountain Paddling Center in Calgary- I took my first course from him in 1991 and since followed in his footsteps.

In Vancouver there is Beaver Canoe Club with a host of great people that have helped many a new paddler get started and more important stay on the water.

In the Yukon there is old man River Bob Daffe -soon to be Grandpa river. Bob has promoted paddling for years primarily rafting and kayaking but his enthusiastic style has touched thousands and helped many a stray kid get focused and back on track.

My co instructor Richard Malvasio who has taught hundreds canoeing and encourages finesse, perfection and fun. It has been a pleasure paddlng with him for the past 17 years.

There are some key people out there that really touch a lot of paddlers, mostly behind the scenes or under the surface. Maybe not the Best paddlers running the hardest stuff- because they are too busy sharing the sport with others (even if they are getting paid) It can be a challenge to be both a great instructor and a great paddler- because it takes time to do both. Sounds like Eli is one of the few that is both

Kudos to all those that share their passion

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:28 pm
by Lennart
Tony estanguet
Ken Hughes
James Weir
kris van autenboer
mary stam

in no particular order , but some one have to remind you lot that there are other parts of this world .

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:01 am
by xmas0c1c1k1
Found some stuff on Kent Ford's website that might be relevant to some of the recent tone on here.

And proof that he is a great... I wanna see someone try to do this course while talking through it to an audience ... r_embedded

I will have to give Eli a shout out since he taught me a bunch in my beginnings.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:49 am
by Craig Smerda
One name I don't think I saw on the list... Ray McLain ... clainobit/

Hailey Thompson... she's young... but she's real good in a cboat

Mark Clarke... Mark is just plain legendary... and he's a c-boater.

he da man

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:57 pm
by Longboatin
DALE "f'n" BRIGGS - technician, hair boatr, living legend cuz hey he's still out there immersed in it