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Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:03 am
by Larry Horne
that milner mile looks like california class three.. 8)

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:59 am
by Alden
Good on you, Richard, for paddling the Payette. As anyone who's ever driven along it or especially as anyone who has paddled it knows, that river is no joke.

I don't think I've even heard of anyone running the Milner Mile in a C-1, let alone an open boat. There aren't a lot of single-bladers out there, as I'm sure Gabe well knows. Looks like an incredible run. I went there once to the put in when it was dry. Even then, I had to appreciate the gradient.


Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:08 am
by oopsiflipped
i think the single stick population in ID dropped by at least 10% when i left....

i think the ID LVM has some milner footage that makes it look pretty well not like something to do in a canoe.

of course richard ran the NF in a canoe so.......that kinda makes him better than everyone else!

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:18 am
by TheKrikkitWars
Larry Horne wrote:that milner mile looks like california class three.. 8)
So has anyone run Dinky Creek or the Middle Fork of the Kings in a canoe yet?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:48 pm
by Larry Horne
,,did you recognise that line from seven rivers?

I don't know if it's been done, but I doubt it.
A friend invited me to do dinky with him. I don't boat with him anymore :wink:

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:53 pm
by 2opnboat1
Just for the record Gabe I have never claimed to be better than anyone else. When I ran the NFP I was a young dumb 23 year old. Now I am a middle aged dumbass with a kid and a job that I like so I am not saying I will run Milner but I like to dream

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:55 pm
by TheKrikkitWars
Larry Horne wrote:did you recognise that line from seven rivers?

I don't know if it's been done, but I doubt it.
A friend invited me to do dinky with him. I don't boat with him anymore :wink:
:D - You would not believe how many times I've watched some or all of that film and/or footage of dinky in the last 12 months (near daily until several of us lost our jobs and the cali trip got cancelled, since then not so much).

I'd seriously consider the Middle fork of the Kings Devils Postpile (potentially walking Crucible) and Upper Cherry, but mainly because if I come to cali that's what all my buddies will be coming for, so I might as well not come if I'm not up to that.
Two of them want to do Dinky, but I'd have plenty of company sitting that out I think.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:57 pm
by Larry Horne
TheKrikkitWars wrote:
Larry Horne wrote:did you recognise that line from seven rivers?

I don't know if it's been done, but I doubt it.
A friend invited me to do dinky with him. I don't boat with him anymore :wink:
:D - You would not believe how many times I've watched some or all of that film and/or footage of dinky in the last 12 months (near daily until several of us lost our jobs and the cali trip got cancelled, since then not so much).

I'd seriously consider the Middle fork of the Kings Devils Postpile (potentially walking Crucible) and Upper Cherry, but mainly because if I come to cali that's what all my buddies will be coming for, so I might as well not come if I'm not up to that.
Two of them want to do Dinky, but I'd have plenty of company sitting that out I think.
Dude. :lol: Are you f-ing kidding me?! there is SOOO much more quality water than just those runs. I know, all you see is what the kids post on youtube..that's fine w/ me :wink:

For what it's worth though, from someone who has done niether, but knows people that have. I'm pretty darned sure that Middle Kings makes Dinky and UCC seem like a sunday walk in the park. That is one serious undertaking, and good for you for even thinking you might run it.

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:12 pm
by TheKrikkitWars
Larry Horne wrote:That is one serious undertaking, and good for you for even thinking you might run it.
I had written a long post, describing exactly how it was we ended up planning to run all that gnar, then go to kernville and party for a few days, and then start ticking off other runs from the battered communal copy of the cali guidebook; but my laptop died...

Basicly, we're young, maybe a little stupid, definately quite impressionable, and two of us [not me!] are very good (what would be called world class in competitive circles).

However, most of us have graduated now and we're going our seperate ways. In light of that and taking a step back from it, I think we'd have got into a whole load of large steaming pile of dog doo, probably have survived mostly intact but very scared, and got some awesome photo's (which is what matters ay?).

Payette Thread Drift

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:28 pm
by edg
Richard - Was that Payette run with a k-1 playboater (Brett Valle)? In my k-1 days I was up there when Brett hooked up with an OC-1 from the SE and ran the NF. Brett said thew guy said it was the 2d OC descent, and that the guy styled it, but was thrashed from bailing. I recall seeing the red Dagger OC on the car, and being fully impressed. Either way, my hats off- I've run the lower 5 (K-1) and Hounds tooth to bridge below Otter slide (c-1). The full NF was out of my league then, and I'm sure I'm past my prime now...edg