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Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:33 pm
by oc ender
Couldn't agree more.Like backcountry skiing,"I want that line,but if I die my wife will kill me!"However if I'm confident and feeling strong then I like to push myself. We all have a different sense of fun and danger,it can be a fine line.


Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:27 pm
by Einar
They used the same "invite" technique with me.
They invited me to take pictures on the Asnola.
From shore.
And drive shuttle.

I think I was also allowed to help load boats.

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:55 pm
by roscoe
At least you got an invite :)

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:31 am
by Pierre LaPaddelle
roscoe wrote:At least you got an invite :)
Ah, yass, Roscoe -- getting invited. . .

Me, I always get invited on trips. But I have it on good authority that it's only because I have a crew-cab pick-up, with a monster boat rack.

In fact, I've heard whisperings that if I would lend the truck, I should stay home. Something about wear and tear on their rescue ropes. . . 8)

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:57 am
by YTcanoe
oc ender wrote:What's the creek that flows down the east side of Kootney Pass,it looks pretty awesome.Have you run it,I think the boys from Hellman have...
Summit Creek
I think I remember an old C1er (wildhorse dan) talking about it, but it's definitely not commonly run. From the road there are some enticing views, but I might expect it to get a little like Stagleap/South Salmo that runs down the other side of the pass. Tight with potential for some crazy wood. I'm curious I'll ask Bob when I see him next week.

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:15 am
by roscoe
Hey Rick, Einar,
There is another L'Edge in the Mission/Abbey Crew. It seems a certain owner of a Kelvar Viper has pulled the trigger and added to the quiver.

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:53 am
by Yukon
There is fellow in Pemberton that has a L'edge- Ray. And he will be looking for people to paddle with.

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:28 am
by Pierre LaPaddelle
roscoe wrote: . . . It seems a certain owner of a Kevlar Viper has pulled the trigger and added to the quiver. . .
. . . you don't mean a yellowy-greenish hull, looking like someone smeared gastric juices on it???

Migawd -- the North-West just might enter the XXIst Century yet. . . ! :P

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:40 am
by roscoe
Oh no Rick,
That boat got sold awhile back. The Viper I was referring to is a new one, owned by the fellow that tandems the Octane with me. He has finally seen the light, and realized that the L'Edge is the boat for the Chilli Canyon.

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:17 am
by Einar
No SH*T!

The L'Edge is the only OC for that continuous West coast run. Should do pretty good on the Chehalis too.

Think of all the money your gonna save on pumps!

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:01 am
by yarnellboat
The Mission Boys don't not put pumps in them Einar, I think that's why they have to cut the lids off, to access the workings of their mulit-pump systems.

Yukon, put Ray onto us through the local 'Paddle Net' forum - the Birkenhead has long been on my to-do list (and still the darn Chehalis now that you mention it)! [edit: nevermind, I see we have new "rayray" member from Pemberton, we'll have to hook up with him when we start getting to the Mamquam, Cheakamus and others].

So, from Duncan to Pemberton to Mission to Bellingham that's actually not a bad collection of new plastic. It's just those of us right in Vanc who are stuck in the 90s, though we could count Heather's Tareau if she paddled it, but it's back in her lineup, behind the Zoom and Spark.


Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:54 am
by roscoe
If anyone is wondering why a L'Edge was chosen over the BlackFly Option. I think it really boiled down how quick it could be delivered. The L'Edge was at the local C&K shop. The Option was a few weeks away. Jeremy is waiting for some foam for the outfitting.

It wasn't how one paddled differently than the other. I was pushing for the Option, just to compare.

Pat I glad to hear that your planning on getting out a lot this year.

ps: He's keeping the lids on for now

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 3:02 am
by yarnellboat
Pat I glad to hear that your planning on getting out a lot this year.
I can't tell if you're mocking me or pulling for me. I can't tell if I'm mocking me. But don't believe that I'll actually go paddle the Birkenhead or Chehalis unless you see it posted by my wife!


Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:26 am
by roscoe
Pullin Hard Pat.

Re: A twelve-step program -- then RECOVERY !!

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:48 am
by Pierre LaPaddelle
roscoe wrote:. . . Pat I glad to hear that your planning on getting out a lot this year. . .
Ya never know when the Masked Man will appear, making the world safe for canoeists and government agencies.

On the other hand, once a guy's floated the heinous Chemainus, he may as well retire -- there's nothing left. . . :wink: